JUCMNavRelease230 - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
- In Eclipse: Help, Software Updates, Find and Install, Search for new
features to install, New remote site:
- Name: jUCMNav
- URL: http://jucmnav.softwareengineering.ca/jucmnav/updatesite/
- Note: Using the update site is required if you want the MSC Viewer plugin to be installed properly. Afterwards, the jUCMNav and MSC Viewer plugins can be updated manually from binaries.
Download v2.3.0
- <font color=red>Make sure your browser doesn't rename the .jar file to .zip or anything else.</font>
- Other files (src, javadoc)
- Windows XP (tested) :check:
- Linux (tested) :check:
- MacOS X (tested) :check:
- Any other O/S on which you can run Eclipse (currently untested - please report your success)
- For more in-depth information and a guide about installation of prerequisites, see DevDocDeployment.
- Eclipse
- jUCMNav 2.3 requires Eclipse 3.2
- We recommend you download the Eclipse SDK.
- The Graphical Editing Framework
- jUCMNav 2.3 requires GEF 3.2
- We recommend you download the SDK or runtime.
- This can be installed through the Eclipse update function, select the "Callisto discovery site" update site already listed.
- The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF and SDO)
- jUCMNav 2.3 requires EMF/SDO 2.2
- We recommend you download the SDK or runtime, but make sure you get EMF and SDO; the plugin will not work otherwise.
- This can be installed through the Eclipse update function, select the "Callisto discovery site" update site already listed.
- [Optional] GraphViz dot
- For autolayout purposes, you may want to download GraphViz dot.
- http://graphviz.org/Download.php
From update site:
- In Eclipse: Help, Software Updates, Find and Install, Search for new
features to install, New remote site:
- Name: jUCMNav
- URL: http://jucmnav.softwareengineering.ca/jucmnav/updatesite/
From binaries:
- Download and install all prerequisites, then copy the jar file into your /eclipse/plugins/ directory. Restart Eclipse.
- If you've installed jUCMNav from a latest build instead of an official release, make sure you remove the latest builds.
- End-user documentation is integrated with the Eclipse help system.
Access Help > Help Contents
from the Eclipse workbench, then select topicjUCMNav Online Help
- Send your bug reports to <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.
- Include reproduction steps, sample .jucm files and, if applicable, copy-paste the error log messages.
- If you're zealous enough, we'll create a BugZilla account for you :)
- Metadata on all URN model elements (see the URNMetaModel)
- You can define your own metadata on any path node, intentional element, etc. These string / value pairs are intended to be used when writing your own custom plug-in to jUCMNav that needs extra information to do its job. An example would be a test case exporter which would require a few setup parameters to drive the output.
- Many thanks to Pengfei Chen for this addition!
- Scenarios
- Traversal algorithm is now more robust, supports multiple threads, knows about the component context in which a path node is being run.
- Hit count no longer algorithm dependant.
- Created infrastructure to support:
- Scenario Traversal Listeners
- Other scenario traversal algorithms (strategy design pattern)
- Added export to MSC plug-in to jUCMNav.
- Based on the work done by Daniel Amyot and Ali Echihabi for UCMNav.
- Actually exports to *.jucmscenarios, the XML serialization of an EMF-based meta-model which clean-ups up the XSLT-related elements required by UCMExporter
- It can also export its intermediate steps as a *.jucm file representing a flattened UCM and another *.jucm file representing the well-formed (in terms of concurrency) linear representation.
- Now packaged with an MSC Viewer (written by Alex Boyko, Tolik
Boyko, Max Kovalenkov, and Tafiqul Abumohammad, CSI 4900
(Winter 2005))
- Plus a few bug fixes and a new import layer to support *.jucmscenarios.
- New feature: run all scenarios in group. You can now check the coverage of a group of scenarios with a simple click.
- Duplicate UCM / GRL diagrams.
- Connects were not always properly deleted, preventing files from being re-opened (Thank you Mathieu Bertrand, Gabriel Craig Lanoix, and Daniel Amyot for the lenghty debugging).
- Visibility of GRL contribution icons and text now can be set via jUCMNav's main preference page. (partial resolution) (Thank you Daniel Amyot)
- Misc bug fixes, usability enhancements, code cleanup.
- Autolayout still a prototype
- User documentation not translated yet.
- User documentation only partially reflects integration of GRL and scenarios.
- Duplicate map / grl diagram does not set IDs for the new elements.
- There are no extension points to give your own scenario/stategy algorithms and no UI to choose them.
- Visibility of GRL contribution icons and text now can be set via jUCMNav's main preference page, but open editors are not automatically updated. You need to reload the model.
- Bug in export to MSC: If none of your scenario elements are not
contained inside a component reference, the exported MSC will fail
to open. Workaround: associate at least one of your responsibilities
to a component reference.
- The generated "Environment" component dissapeared if it did not communicate with another component, even if it contained elements such as responsibilities.
-- Main.JasonKealey - 26 Jan 2007