ExportTdlDeveloperGuide - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
Export toTDL - Coding Documentation
Mapping from UCM models to the TDL representation is the process of detecting the elements that have the same concepts between the two different models. The elements that are detected in the mapping process are divided into two groups: elements having explicit mappings and elements having implicit mapping. In the sections below, we will discuss in more details the implicit and explicit mappings.
Mappping Documention For TDL Export
There are some elements in the UCM Scenarios and TDL models which have one-to-one mapping relationship (i.e. direct relationship). In this section we will outline the Requirements, Design information and Testing for explicit mapping. And we will finish it off with the Summary for explicit mapping. The requirements subsection provides a summary of everything that needs to be implemented. The designer information subsection explains the choices and options we considered from designer’s point of view. Finally, testing part will outline the methods we used to test explicit mapping cases.
Mapping Requirements For Tdl Export
Mapping Designer Information For Tdl Export
Mapping Examples For Tdl Export
-- Main.PatriceBoulet - 27 May 2014