DevDocImportExportTests - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
Test Plan for Import/Export Wizard
- Rationale: Work on the import/export wizard by both Jason (for images, Graphviz dot, Doors DXL, and UCEd) and by JF (for GRL catalogs) have introduced conflicting needs and caused a few regression bugs. These tests aim at clarifying the wizards' expected behaviour.
Export Wizard
Export Single Diagram (a single UCM/GRL or a list of these)
- Export to image (BMP, JPG, GIF)
- Export to Graphviz dot
- Export Diagram (UCM/GRL: references) (Future work)
Export Complete URN file
- Export to Doors DXL
- Also exports images (BMP) for all diagrams
- Export GRL Catalog (definitions)
- Export CSM
Import Wizard
Create new jucm file
- Import from UCEd
- Import GRL Catalog (definitions)
Create/modify maps in a new jucm
- Import GRL Catalog (definitions)
- Import from Graphviz dot (Future work)
- Import Diagram (UCM/GRL: references) (Future work)
- We can choose import/export either by:
- Right-clicking in diagram editor. (ANY ELEMENT)
- Right-clicking in outline (on diagram or on urn element).
- File->Export or File->Import
- Right-clicking on a file/project/folder in the Navigator.
- Export from navigator (files selected) should prefill the exported
URN from the list of selected jucm files.
- One jucm file -> show all diagrams in this file.
- If exporting individual maps, all maps should be shown and selected on the export page.
- Multiple jucm files -> show all diagrams in all files.
- If exporting individual maps, all maps should be shown and selected on the export page.
- If a file is selected for export and no editor exists for the file, its editor should be loaded and closed on finish/cancel. Must not close editors that were already open.
- One jucm file -> show all diagrams in this file.
- Export from File->Export should show an error (no files selected).
- Export from navigator (project/folder selected) should show an error (no files selected) or recurse through folders.
- Export from outline should show all diagrams in file and pre-select the ones that are selected in the outline.
- Export from editor should show all diagrams in file and pre-select the currently opened editor.
- When doing an export, one has two choices: export whole URN or
individual UCMs.
- Whatever preferences was last used should be remembered in the preference store.
- Whatever preferences were used on the second wizard pages should be remembered in the preference store.
- Both secondary pages should share the same preference for the export directory.
- The export type dropdown lists should use different preferences.
- Both secondary pages should share the same preference for the file prefix.
- The export individual diagram page should update its list automatically to show prefix-UCMID-Name.EXTENSION or prefix-GRLID-Name.EXTENSION when the export type is changed or when the prefix is changed.
- A URN exporter can choose a Diagram Exporter to be run on all diagrams in the URN after the URN export has finished; it should use the same prefix information.
- One can import into an existing file or into a folder. If one chooses to import into a folder, the wizard is responsible for asking if the file should be overwritten. If not, a suffix should be added to the imported filename.
- Only certain plugins support importing into an existing file (see extension point description).
- The import wizard page should present a dropdown list of import types and a radio-button to select which type of import. If the selected type supports both types of imports, both radio-buttons should be enabled. Otherwise, only the available type should be enabled.
- If we launch the import wizard from an editor, outline, or file in the navigator, the default import into file textbox should include this file and the default import into folder should be the file's container. (even if one method or the other is disabled)
- In the previous scenario, if multiple files are selected, the preselected import into file can be any one of these. If they are in different folders, the chosen folder should be the one containing the file.
- The import wizard shall provide a vector of diagrams that should be automatically layed-out after the import. This vector shall be filled by the extension point. Only the diagrams contained in this vector should be automatically layed out.
- When importing into an opened editor, it is desirable that the editor shall remain opened, but it can be closed and reopened if necessary. (This is the case because we get thread access if we try to modify the URN while it is opened in the editor, from another thread).
- When import/export is ran on a file in the Navigator and this file
is not opened, open it for the duration of the import/export and
close it on finish/cancel.
- If it already is open, do not close it on finish/cancel.
-- Main.JasonKealey - 27 Mar 2006