**Install "Kermeta IDE/Kermeta compiler" from the Eclipse update
site <br />**Latest tested version: Kermeta compiler 1.4.0 <br
** For performance reasons, Kermeta requires more memory than
standard eclipse applications. <br />**In order to increase the
heap size, set -Xmx3000M in $EclipseDir$\eclipse.ini. <br />On
32bits CPU/OS, the maximum value is -Xmx1200M. Note: if you cannot
save $EclipseDir$\eclipse.ini because it is located under "Program
Files", just copy $EclipseDir$\eclipse.ini to your desktop, update
it, and overwrite $EclipseDir$\eclipse.ini with the updated
Install AoUrnToRam Release
Close Eclipse
Unzip aoUrnToRamRelease_1.0.x.zip (see top of the page) to
eclipse/dropins<br /> The eclipse/dropins folder should look
as follows: