Review Meeting : Sprint 2 - JU-CSE-27/swe-wiki GitHub Wiki

Attendees: Munia(MIM), Tazel Hossan (TH), Sohana (RRS), Prema (TTP), Munny (IJM), Akash (MSA)
Date/Location: 31-Jan-2022
Start Time: 10:30pm
End Time: 10:50pm

Decisions About Overall Sprint Cycles:

Development Team: [MIM, TH, RRS, TTP, IJM, MSA]

Discussing the ‘done’ and ‘what has not been done’ items of the Product Backlog.

Showing: what went well during a Sprint, what obstacles faced, and resolved those problems

      [Well Done]-New events feature and live event chatting is completely done in the following SDLC phase-
                  1. Planning
                  2. Define Requirements
                  3. Designing
                  4. Implementation
                  5. Testing
                      i. Unit testing
                      ii. TDD(Test Driven Development)
                  6. Deployment
      [Not Has Been Done]-Continuous Integration ( CI ) partially completed but failed in playtest phase in "Github Actions".

      [Well Done]-New events feature and live event chatting is completely done in the following SDLC phase-
                  1. Planning
                  2. Define Requirements
                  3. Designing
                  4. Implementation
                  5. Testing
                      i. Unit testing
                      ii. TDD(Test Driven Development)
                  6. Deployment
      [Not Has Been Done]-Continuous Integration ( CI ) partially completed but failed in playtest phase in "Github Actions".

      [Well Done]-New events feature and live event chatting is completely done in the following SDLC phase-
                  1. Planning
                  2. Define Requirements
                  3. Designing
                  4. Implementation
                  5. Testing
                      i. Unit testing
                      ii. TDD(Test Driven Development)
                  6. Deployment
      [Not Has Been Done]-Continuous Integration ( CI ) partially completed but failed in playtest phase in "Github Actions".

      [Well Done]-New events feature and live event chatting is completely done in the following SDLC phase-
                  1. Planning
                  2. Define Requirements
                  3. Designing
                  4. Implementation
                  5. Testing
                      i. Unit testing
                      ii. TDD(Test Driven Development)
                  6. Deployment
      [Not Has Been Done]-Continuous Integration ( CI ) partially completed but failed in playtest phase in "Github Actions".

      [Well Done]-New events feature and live event chatting is completely done in the following SDLC phase-
                  1. Planning
                  2. Define Requirements
                  3. Designing
                  4. Implementation
                  5. Testing
                      i. Unit testing
                      ii. TDD(Test Driven Development)
                  6. Deployment
      [Not Has Been Done]-Continuous Integration ( CI ) partially completed but failed in playtest phase in "Github Actions".

      [Well Done]-New events feature and live event chatting is completely done in the following SDLC phase-
                  1. Planning
                  2. Define Requirements
                  3. Designing
                  4. Implementation
                  5. Testing
                      i. Unit testing
                  6. Deployment
      [Not Has Been Done]-Continuous Integration ( CI ) partially completed but failed in playtest phase in "Github Actions".
                   1. TDD(Test Driven Development)
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