System Requirements - JS-Produksiyon/pulsar GitHub Wiki

Pulsar was written in Python 3.11 using PyQT 6.7. Following the system requirements of these packages, the following operating systems can run Pulsar:

  • Windows: 11, 10
  • macOS: Sonoma 14, Ventura 13, Monterey 12, Big Sur 11

If your computer can run any one of these operating systems, it should be able to run Pulsar. If your system running any of the above operating systems cannot run Pulsar, either contact the developers, or create a pull request to resolve the issue yourself.

Python Packages Required for Pulsar to Run

  • decorator 5.1.1
  • elevate 0.1.3
  • PySide6 6.7.0
  • PySide6_Addons 6.7.0
  • PySide6_Essentials 6.7.0
  • PyYAML 6.0.1
  • shiboken6 6.7.0

These packages are defined in requirements.txt.

Currently Tested Operating Systems:

As of 2024-05-15 v.1.0.0 has been tested as follows:

OS Source Compiled
Windows 11 Works Works
Windows 10 Untested Works
Windows 7 Untested Does not work
MacOS 13.6 (Intel) Works Works
MacOS 14.2 (M1) Works partially Works partially

Older Operating Systems

Once the current release reaches stable, our developers may attempt to get Pulsar to work on Windows 7 and MacOS 10, but this is not a priority.

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Next Page: Installation

Last Updated: 2024-05-15