JOSH x86 version - JOSH-VM/JOSHVM GitHub Wiki

JOSH could run on x86 arch systems (Linux i386 or Windows x86), for using as emulator or just the starting point of code study.

Linux i386: (Tested on Ubuntu 16.04LTS)

 sudo apt-get update 
 sudo apt-get install gcc binutils build-essential g++ libc6 libc6-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib
 sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk-headless
 git clone
 chmod a+x ./
 ./ -C -J ${YOUR_JDK_DIR}

YOUR_JDK_DIR is JDK installing path on your machine, in my case it's /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64. Not tested building with JDK version > 1.9, always use 1.8 or early JDK version to build JOSH.

After building, try helloworld demo in test directory:

cd test/helloworld
JDK_DIR=${YOUR_JDK_DIR} make run

Again, YOUR_JDK_DIR is JDK installing path on your machine.

Expected result:

HelloWorld from TEST begin
Hello, IOT world!6* 2^3 = 48
Hello, IOT world!5* 2^3 = 40
Hello, IOT world!4* 2^3 = 32
Hello, IOT world!3* 2^3 = 24
Hello, IOT world!2* 2^3 = 16
Hello, IOT world!1* 2^3 = 8
Hello, IOT world!0* 2^3 = 0
Waiting for 5 seconds...
Hello again
Waiting for 5 seconds...