User Interface - JMcQueen1000/Battleships GitHub Wiki

User Interface for Every Game State

Blank Board

  • This will be the initial appearance of the game before any key is pressed to start the game

Ship Placement

  • As the player places ships, a mouse click in each square followed by a mouse click in the ship direction will place the every ship, starting from largest ship
  • If needed, a press of the space bar will reset the current ship placement and escape key will reset whole board


  • To fire shots at the enemy board, a simple click in the desired square will fire in that position and end the turn

Game Over

  • When all of one of the players ships have been destroyed, the screen will say "Game Over" and who won until any key is pressed, then the initial screen will show up again

NOTE - Pictures sourced from "Kidspot" and "Pencil and Paper Games"