Query statements - JGdijk/ords GitHub Wiki
The following functions are added to select your models (more comming):
where(key, action, value)
action: '=', '!=', '<', '>'
orWhere(key, action, value)
whereIn(key, values) / whereNotIn(key, values)
values: [1, 2, ...]
whereBetween(key, min, max) / whereNotBetween(key, min, max)
whereEmpty(key) / whereNotEmpty(key)
whereHas(relation) / whereDoesntHave(relation)
orderBy(key, order)
order 'asc' / 'desc'
*They are placed before one of the retrieving functions:
.where('id', '<', 3)
.orderBy('id', 'desc')
The where() and orWhere() function also except a callback function on which all the where functions can be applied:
.where((callback: WhereCallback) => { callback
.where('id', '<', 3).whereNotEmpty('name')...
The whereHas() function also accepts a callback function as second argument:
.whereHas('RelationName', (callback: WhereHasCallback) => { callback
.where('id', '<', 3).whereNotEmpty('name')...
All the where functions can be used in combination with the update() or remove() functions:
ords.use('task').where('id', '=', 1).remove(); // will only remove the task with id 1