Install - JCarlin6/MCCS GitHub Wiki
PHP7.2 >
LDAP Enabled (If using Active Directory)
PHPMail Enabled
Apache / Nginx
Copy or clone contents to web directory
Navigate to the /Setup/ Directory from web browser
- Ensure PHP Mailer & LDAP is setup and enabled in PHP (LDAP if using Active Directory) Go through setup as instructed on webpage(s)
Post Installation:
Remove Setup Directory
Create Crontab for Mailer:
- Example: * * * * * curl localhost/server_side/MinuteMail.php
- All mail is sent to a queue which is then sent from the above script location disabling this will prevent any mail generated from the system from going outbound. Create Crontab for Master Cron
- Example: 1 0 * * * curl localhost/server_side/mastercron.php
- This enables the server to automatically notify of PM's that are setup in the system