Multi Tier Science - JBurlison/Pandaros.API GitHub Wiki

Settlers allows you to implement a single interface to create a single science with multiple levels. You can implement the IPandaResearch interface and Settlers will find and install the science automatically throuh its loader. Alternatively you can inherit from PandaResearch and override properties.

Each dictionary key in the interface is the level that key is applicable to. Level 0 may be added as a default value. For example if you have a 5 level science you may add level 0, 2 and 5 to a dictionary and level 0 values will be used in place of 1, 3 and 4.

The icon name for each science will be the name of the science plus the level number in png format. For example, if my science is named "DogTraining" and I have 6 levels of dog training I will need "DogTraining1.png" through 6 in my icon folder. There is an optional boolean AddLevelToName to disable this, and all levels will just call for "DogTraining.png"

Example Use