Loot Tables - JBurlison/Pandaros.API GitHub Wiki
Loot tables are loosely tied to monsters via MonsterType.
Normal in game zombies have the monster type of "zombie". Settlers bosses have a monster type of "Boss".
There are 2 ways of creating a loot table. first is by inheriting from LootTable base class. Here is an example of the implementation with bosses.
public class BossLoot : LootTable
public const string LootTableName = "Pandaros.Settlers.Monsters.Bosses";
public override string name => LootTableName;
public BossLoot()
LootPoolList.Add(new LootPoolEntry(SettlersBuiltIn.ItemTypes.MANA, 1, 20));
Second is by inheriting the interface and implementing it yourself.
public interface ILootTable
string name { get; }
List<string> MonsterTypes { get; set; }
List<LootPoolEntry> LootPoolList { get; }
Dictionary<ushort, int> GetDrops(double luckModifier);
The LootPoolEntry defines each item name, min number that can drop, max number that can drop and weight. Weight of 0 means it is guaranteed to drop.
Drop weight is a simple calculation that uses the killers luck. When a monster is killed a float roll is made from 0 to 1, then the luck modifier is added to it. each item is looped through adding its weight.
public Dictionary<ushort, int> GetDrops(float luckModifier = 0)
var dic = new Dictionary<ushort, int>();
float weightSum = 0;
float roll = Pipliz.Random.NextFloat() + luckModifier;
foreach (LootPoolEntry drop in LootPoolList)
weightSum += drop.Weight;
if (roll > weightSum && ItemTypes.IndexLookup.StringLookupTable.TryGetItem(drop.Item, out ItemTypes.ItemType itemAction))
dic[itemAction.GetRootParentType().ItemIndex] = Pipliz.Random.Next(drop.MinCount, drop.MaxCount + 1);
return dic;