Adding in game Help menu for your mod through JSON - JBurlison/Pandaros.API GitHub Wiki

Step 1

Adding a wiki menu starts at creating a item to open it.

    "name": "Pandaros.Settlers.HelpMenu",
    "icon": "./icons/Help.png",
    "isPlaceable": false,
    "maxStackSize": 1,
    "categories": [
    "StaticItemSettings": {
        "Name": "Pandaros.Settlers.HelpMenu"
    "OpensMenuSettings": {
        "UIUrl": "Wiki.MainMenu",
        "ActivateClickType": 1,
        "ItemName": "Pandaros.Settlers.HelpMenu"

Static item settings will keep the item in the inventory no matter what so its always there to use it.

For the OpensMenuSettings:

UIUrl. This URL is the json path to your wiki. examples of this in step 2

Activation Type:

  1. Left Click
  2. Right Click

ItemName: name of the item.

Step 2

Create a wiki menu json. This menu has to be registered in the modinfo json


"Pandaros.API.jsonFiles": [
      "fileType": "Pandaros.API.MenuFile",
      "relativePath": "Help/Menus/help.json"


    "Wiki": {
        "MainMenu": {
            "header": "Pandaros.Settlers.Wiki.MainMenu.Title",
            "Items": [
                    "type": "label",
                    "text": "Pandaros.Settlers.Wiki.MainMenu.Credits",
                    "alignement": "MiddleCenter"

The items array, are displayed in the order you place them. There are a lot of different elements that can be placed in the items array. Here is the name and parameters of each item:


Parameters Optional Default Description
text No N/A Text to display on the label. Can be the localization key or text.
color Yes Black Applicable values: cyan, green, red, black, yellow, blue, magenta, gray, white, clear, grey, Black
alignement Yes MiddleLeft Applicable values: UpperLeft, UpperCenter, UpperRight, MiddleLeft, MiddleCenter, MiddleRight, LowerLeft, LowerCenter, LowerRight
fontsize Yes 18 Size of the font
localizationType Yes Sentence Applicable Values: None, Sentence, Type, TypeUse
position Yes 0 Margin left


Parameters Optional Default Description
height Yes 10 Height of the space
position Yes 0 Margin left


Parameters Optional Default Description
height Yes 10 Height of the line
color Yes Black Applicable values: cyan, green, red, black, yellow, blue, magenta, gray, white, clear, grey, Black
width Yes -1 Width of the l
position Yes 0 Margin left


Parameters Optional Default Description
name No N/A Item name of the icon
position Yes 0 Margin left


Lists out all a jobs recipes. Researched or not.

Parameters Optional Default Description
job No N/A Name of the job to list recipes for
position Yes 0 Margin left


Displays an items name and description.

Parameters Optional Default Description
name No N/A name of the item
position Yes 0 Margin left


Displays an items recipe.

Parameters Optional Default Description
name No N/A name of the item
position Yes 0 Margin left


Displays the patchnotes for a mod if its configured in its mod info like this:

    "patchnotes": [
        "version": "",
        "notes": [
          "Fixed stone slab name",
          "Fixed bug where colonists would be hurt after researching colonist health"
Parameters Optional Default Description
mod No N/A name of the mod to display the patchnotes for. Must match name in the modinfo


links form buttons that link to other json menus

Parameters Optional Default Description
url No N/A Similar to the URL described in step 1, its the json path to the new menu
width Yes -1 Width of the button, -1 spans whole UI
height Yes 25 Height of the button
label No N/A See Label


  "type": "link",
  "url": "Wiki.Machinists",
  "width": 700,
  "position": 150,
  "label": {
    "text": "Pandaros.Settlers.Wiki.MainMenu.Machinists",
    "alignement": "MiddleCenter"


Parameters Optional Default Description
row_height Yes 30 Height of each row
rows No N/A an array of arrays in each array item is the array is a column.

Example this example shows a 2 column 2 row table.

  "type": "table",
  "position": 50,
  "rows": [
        "type": "label",
        "fontsize": 20,
        "text": "Pandaros.Settlers.Wiki.Type"
        "type": "label",
        "fontsize": 20,
        "text": "Pandaros.Settlers.Wiki.Description"
        "type": "icon",
        "name": "Pandaros.Settlers.Miner"
        "type": "item",
        "name": "Pandaros.Settlers.Miner"

Settlers Examples

Menu Configurations: Menu Configurations

Mod Info: Mod Info

Localization: Localization