Adding Ore Layers - JBurlison/Pandaros.API GitHub Wiki

Step 1

Create a minable type in your types.json

 "Pandaros.Settlers.AutoLoad.infiniteemerald": {
    "icon": "./icons/infiniteemerald.png",
    "onPlaceAudio": "stonePlace",
    "onRemoveType": "Pandaros.Settlers.AutoLoad.rawemerald",
    "onRemoveAudio": "stoneDelete",
    "destructionTime": 2000,
    "sideall": "SELF",
    "npcLimit": 0,
    "maxStackSize": 600,
    "isDestructible": true,
    "customData": {
      "minerIsMineable": true,
      "minerMiningTime": 5
    "categories": [

Step 2

Create a ores json. Name this file whatever you want. ores.json is fine. Chance is a percentage, 1-100. NOTE: there is an additional property "ScienceBiome" to only spawn ores in a specific biome. Biomes currently are:

  • sciencebiome.oldworld
  • sciencebiome.newworld
  • sciencebiome.fareast
  • sciencebiome.arctic
  • sciencebiome.tropics
    "Chance": 1,
    "Depth": 20,
    "Type": "Pandaros.Settlers.AutoLoad.infiniteemerald"

Step 3

Add the ores.json to your modinfo. In settlers, there is a custom json section. Full example

    "Pandaros.API.jsonFiles": [
        "fileType": "Pandaros.API.OreLayers",
        "relativePath": "WorldGen/OreSettings.json"

Example Use: