Some History - JBanschick/Jacob_Banschick_-_The_Breather GitHub Wiki
#Earlier Iterations
The Breather went through a bit of development before eventually evolving into the final product. These were some of the initial ideas.
##The Dog Watch
The "Dog Watch" was an idea born from a thought experiment, creating a product from the first two words to pop into my mind. If it sounds vague, that's because it is. I had no idea what I really wanted to do with this product. Something along the lines of initiating Pavlovian responses in dogs to regulate when they need to eat or use the bathroom. It was all sort of silly, and highly impractical.
##The Planlov
"The Planlov" was the working title for an earlier iteration of the Breather. It was derivative of the earlier "Dog Watch" concpet, and a wholy more ambitious idea that worked to induce Pavlovian responses in humans. It was later determined to be too vague, the science was unsound, and was re-tweaked to become the Breather. Originally, a blurb for the Planlov was the only thing on this wiki, which has been pasted below.
The Planlov (Working Title) is a small device/app which conditions the user to associate daily reminders with non-intrusive sounds & tones. For the scatterbrained many of us who long to become more productive in our daily lives.