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Has this ever happened to you? You're set to give your big speech you've been practicing all week, but OH NO! All eyes are on you now! Oh god, and now you forgot what you were talking about! That's why we prepared cue cards, lets just find where we left o- OH NO, YOU'VE DROPPED THEM ALL! What do you do now?! Scream? Cry? Both? If only you could regain control of this situation. But that's impossible, you're better off assuming the fetal position...until now! Introducing:
#The Breather
###Who is it for? The Breather is for people who are prone to bouts of anxiety, who are then placed in a situation which exacerbates its severity.
###What is it for? The Breather acts as a prompt for the user to relax during stressful situations.
###When will it be used? During speeches, performances, recitals, meetings, poetry readings, stand-up comedy acts, political debates, the Breather covers these and more. Basically, if you're ever placed in front of 100+ people, and need to address them all, the Breather can help.
###Why does it need to be used? When anxiety strikes, sometimes the user can enter a state of hyper anxiety, much like a "deer in headlights." Their minds go blank, and they falter to get back on track. The breather could be just the thing to snap them out of it.
###Where will it be used? A wide range of public and private settings, including stages, concert halls, auditoriums, meeting rooms, and even classrooms.
###How does it work? As a user becomes stressed, their heightened level of anxiety causes their heartbeat to raise. The heart rate monitor attacked to the user's earlobe is constantly tracking this heart rate, and broadcasting it back to the receiver device on the user's hip. When the user's heart rate exceeds a determined "Average level", it will activate a small vibration motor inside the device, giving the user that outside stimuli they may need to remind themselves "Hey, lets calm down. Just breathe, and continue." Once the user's heart rate reaches those average levels again, the device will cease to vibrate.