Quickstart - Ixox/preenfm3 GitHub Wiki

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Preenfm3 front panel

Keys :

  • 1-6: correspond to the 6 buttons at the bottom of the display
  • 7: Menu
  • 8: PreviousInstrument (-)
  • 9: Next Instrument (+)
  • 10: Mixer
  • 11: Editor
  • 12: Sequencer


For each of the 6 instruments, you can modify some mixer type parameters such as :
Volume, pan, numberof voices, audio output, midi channel, midi split, micro tonal scala parameteres.
Global button allows to change global midi value, global tuning, midi thru.


In the editor you can modify parameters that define the timbre of the current instrument.
All parameters are split into one level submenus.
FM> Engine (FM algo), MI (FM modulation indices), Mix (Volume pan of carrier OP)
OP> waveform and enveloppe of the 6 operators
Matrix> source, multiplier and 2 destinations of the 12 matrix rows
Modul> Matrix source modulator: Lfo, Envs, Stepseq, midi note modulator
Arp/Fx> Arpegiatorand filters
Perf> Performance


Enc1 : clock sync (int/ext) Enc2: clockBPM (only for internal clock) Enc3: current instrument change

Sequencer page

Enc4: record on/off Enc5: playon/off Enc6: number of bars on current instrument
1: playon/off toggle mode / long press: record on/off togglemode 4: clean toggle mode / long press clean ALL
3: go to step page
6: playpause / long press: rewind to 0:0

Step page

Enc4 : move cursor Enc5: change cursor size Enc6: change sequence number
1: insert silence at the cursor position/duration 4: clean
3: go to seq page 6: playpause / long press: rewind to 0:0
Up to 5 midi notes can be inserted at the cursor position/duration


Latest buttons you pressed are always available in button6 for quick access.

Mixer> load, save, default
Preset> load, save, DX7, Randomizer
Seq> load, save, default
SD> Create, rename banks
Config > setting paremeters