Keeper - IvanStoychev/IvanStoychev.Useful.String.Extensions GitHub Wiki

This is a list of all methods in the "Keeper" class. The class isn't actually accessible from the NuGet package but it is used to logically separate methods for better organization.


Introduced in version 1.0.0

Removes any non-numerical characters from the string. The method uses the [^\d] regular expression to decide which characters aren't numbers.


Introduced in version 1.0.0

Removes any non-special characters from the string. The method uses the !char.IsLetterOrDigit() method to decide which characters to remove.


Introduced in version 1.0.0

Removes any characters that are not letters from the string. The method uses the [^a-zA-Z] regular expression to decide which characters to remove.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️