Error handling - IvanAlvarezEnri/dragon-squad-api GitHub Wiki

Currently in the url that our api has, we can receive multiple parameters in the requests, especially incorrect parameters.

If you send us an incorrect parameter or that does not meet the expected conditions, you will receive a json array with the parameters and the possible cases that it fails.

In this case, for example, locations parameters should be present, have at least three characters and not blank.

min_three_characters = /^.{3,}$/ # => "bar"
        params do
          requires :location, type: String, regexp: min_three_characters, allow_blank: { value: false, message: 'cannot be blank' }, message: 'is required'
          optional :countrycode

And this is the json reply you will recieve if the parameter is incorrect. The reply changes for every case.

        "params": [
        "messages": [
            "is required",
            "cannot be blank"

Not the situation we want

Thats a situation we want to avoid...