Using the launcher to install FreeSO and Simitone - ItsSim/fsolauncher GitHub Wiki

Guide for Installing FreeSO or Simitone

Microsoft Windows

FreeSO Installation


  • OpenAL
  • .NET Framework 4.5
  • The Sims Online client
  • FreeSO Client
  • (Optional) Remesh Package

After launching, green tooltips will guide you through the installation process. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Installer tab.
  2. Click the "Complete Installation" button.
  • A folder picker dialog will open, prompting you to select a base path for the installations.
  1. The Sims Online and FreeSO components will be installed in subfolders of the chosen base path.
  2. A confirmation desktop notification will appear once the installation is complete. Click the "Play" button to launch FreeSO.

Simitone Installation

To install Simitone, head to the Simitone tab in the launcher.

You need The Sims Complete Collection installed on your computer for Simitone to work. If you don't have The Sims Complete Collection installed, the launcher will show a message in the Simitone tab indicating that it is missing.

  1. Click on the "Download & Install" button in the top center of the page.
  2. When installed, the button will now show "Launch Simitone" instead of "Download & Install". Click the button to launch the game.

macOS and Debian-based Linux distros

FreeSO Installation


  • Mono
  • SDL2
  • The Sims Online client
  • FreeSO Client
  • (Optional) Remesh Package
  • (Optional) FreeSO MacExtras re-download

Once the launcher has been started, you'll be greeted with green tooltips explaining how to install everything. The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to the Installer tab.
  2. Click the "Complete Installation" button. This will install every required component in the required order.

You will need to authorize the installation should a popup appear asking you for permission.

  1. A confirmation desktop notification should appear when finished indicating that FreeSO has been installed and is ready to be launched. Click the "Play" button!

Simitone Installation

To install Simitone, head to the Simitone tab in the launcher.

For macOS, you need a copy of The Sims Complete Collection in either:

  • ~/Documents/The Sims
  • ~/Library/Application Support/FreeSO Launcher/GameComponents/The Sims

For Linux, you need a copy of The Sims Complete Collection in either:

  • ~/Documents/The Sims
  • ~/.fsolauncher/GameComponents/The Sims

MUST BE THE WINDOWS VERSION OF THE GAME. You can just copy the folder from your Windows PC. If you don't have The Sims Complete Collection installed, the launcher will show a message in the Simitone tab indicating that it is missing.

  1. Click on the "Download & Install" button in the top center of the page.
  2. When installed, the button will now show "Launch Simitone" instead of "Download & Install". Click the button to launch the game.


  • Installing components separately
    The launcher allows you to install/reinstall components separately instead of clicking the "Complete Install" button. This is useful if you need to reinstall a single component or if you already have a component installed.

To install components separately, click on their image in the Installer tab.

  • Keeping the Remesh Package updated
    The Remesh Package available in the launcher is updated periodically. To keep up with the latest and greatest 3D models for your game, you should re-download the package every time it displays as updated.

  • Reusing a previous FreeSO/The Sims Online installation on Microsoft Windows
    If you have already installed FreeSO or The Sims Online before, you can reuse your installation by installing it in the same directory. If the game files are already present, the launcher will not perform a reinstallation. It will set your previous installation as the primary one.

    For example, if you already have FreeSO installed in C:/Program Files/FreeSO, then install FreeSO from the launcher choosing the Program Files directory. For The Sims Online, this would be C:/Program Files/The Sims Online.

    The folder needs to be named FreeSO or The Sims Online in order for the launcher to pick up previous installations.

    Please note that a "Complete Installation" overrides any installations that may already be present on your computer. To use a previous installation, you should use the solo installers from the installer tab.

  • Reusing a previous Simitone installation
    The folder needs to be named "Simitone for Windows" in order for the launcher to pick it up.

  • Keeping Simitone updated
    The launcher keeps track of the Simitone version installed and checks for new releases on the official Simitone GitHub repository ( Whenever there's a new Simitone release, an update button will appear on the launcher's Simitone screen.

    Simitone update button

  • Reinstalling the FreeSO Mac extras
    If a macOS update breaks FreeSO, you will most likely need to redownload the Mac extras. The Mac extras are files that are added onto your FreeSO installation to add compatibility with the macOS operating system. If you are having problems after updating your Mac, try reinstalling the FreeSO Mac extras.

  • Running Simitone without The Sims registry entries on Microsoft Windows
    Although the launcher does check for The Sims Complete Collection registry entries and displays a big red error message when not found, the launcher will still let you launch Simitone once downloaded and installed. Simitone will pick up your The Sims Complete Collection files when placed in one of these locations (ordered by priority):

    Microsoft Windows
  1. A folder named "The Sims" adjacent to the Simitone installation folder. For example, if you installed Simitone in C:\Program Files\Simitone for Windows, you'd need to place your The Sims Complete Collection files in C:\Program Files\The Sims.
  2. The default The Sims installation folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxis\The Sims
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