Uninstalling the launcher and or installed software - ItsSim/fsolauncher GitHub Wiki

The FreeSO Launcher does not have an uninstaller for the software it installs, but you can uninstall the launcher itself easily. Uninstalling the rest is a bit more work.

Microsoft Windows

To uninstall the FreeSO Launcher, you can do so from the Windows Settings app, in the Apps section.

Uninstalling FreeSO

To uninstall FreeSO, you will need to do two things:

  • Delete the FreeSO folder (Default: C:\Program Files\FreeSO)
  • Run the REG file to unlink the installation directory (double-click on it). C:\Program Files (x86)\FreeSO Launcher\UNINSTALL_FSO.REG

Uninstalling The Sims Online

To uninstall The Sims Online, you will need to do two things:

  • Delete the The Sims Online folder (Default: C:\Program Files\The Sims Online)
  • Run the REG file to unlink the installation directory (double-click on it). C:\Program Files (x86)\FreeSO Launcher\UNINSTALL_TSO.REG

Uninstalling Simitone

To uninstall Simitone, you will need to do two things:

  • Delete the Simitone folder (Default: C:\Program Files\Simitone for Windows)
  • Run the REG file to unlink the installation directory (double-click on it). C:\Program Files (x86)\FreeSO Launcher\UNINSTALL_SIMITONE.REG

Uninstalling OpenAL

OpenAL can be uninstalled from the Windows Settings app.

Uninstalling .NET Framework

.NET Framework can be uninstalled from the Windows Settings app. (Although not recommended)


On Mac, to uninstall the launcher you must:

  • Delete the FreeSO Launcher.app by moving it to the trash.
  • Delete the ~/Library/Application Support/FreeSO Launcher folder.
    sudo rm -rf /Applications/FreeSO\ Launcher.app
    sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/FreeSO\ Launcher

Uninstalling FreeSO

To uninstall FreeSO, you will need to:

  • Delete the FreeSO folder (~/Documents/FreeSO)
    sudo rm -rf ~/Documents/FreeSO

Uninstalling The Sims Online

To uninstall The Sims Online, you will need to:

  • Delete the The Sims Online folder (~/Documents/The Sims Online)
    sudo rm -rf ~/Documents/The\ Sims\ Online

Uninstalling Simitone

To uninstall Simitone, you will need to:

  • Delete the Simitone folder (~/Documents/Simitone for Windows)
    sudo rm -rf ~/Documents/Simitone\ for\ Windows

Uninstalling SDL

To uninstall SDL2, you must delete the /Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework directory.
sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework

Uninstalling Mono

To uninstall Mono, you must run the following commands in a terminal window:

sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework
sudo pkgutil --forget com.xamarin.mono-MDK.pkg
sudo rm /etc/paths.d/mono-commands

All commands together

sudo rm -rf /Applications/FreeSO\ Launcher.app
sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/FreeSO\ Launcher
sudo rm -rf ~/Documents/FreeSO
sudo rm -rf ~/Documents/The\ Sims\ Online
sudo rm -rf ~/Documents/Simitone\ for\ Windows
sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework
sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework
sudo pkgutil --forget com.xamarin.mono-MDK.pkg
sudo rm /etc/paths.d/mono-commands

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