Continuous Integration and Delivery - ItsSim/fsolauncher GitHub Wiki

This project uses GitHub Actions to set up Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) workflows for automated building, testing, and releasing of the application.

CI/CD for Main and Develop Branches

The first workflow, electron-ci, is triggered on push events to the main and develop branches. It contains two jobs:

  1. build-and-publish: This job is responsible for building and testing the application on both Windows and macOS platforms. It runs the following steps:

    • Checks out the repository
    • Sets up Node.js with the specified version
    • Installs dependencies
    • Runs ESLint for code linting
    • Builds the application for the respective platform
    • Runs end-to-end tests for the respective platform
    • Calculates the hash of the built artifacts and saves them to separate files
    • Lists the contents of the release directory
    • Uploads the built artifacts as GitHub Actions artifacts
  2. create-release: This job depends on the build-and-publish job and is responsible for creating a GitHub release. It performs the following steps:

    • Checks out the repository
    • Retrieves the package version from package.json
    • Calculates the release type and release counter
    • Generates release notes based on the release type
    • Creates a GitHub release with the calculated release version
    • Downloads the artifacts from the build-and-publish job
    • Uploads the downloaded artifacts as release assets

CI for Pull Requests

The second workflow, electron-ci-pr, is triggered on pull_request events to the develop branch. This workflow is responsible for building and testing the application for both Windows and macOS platforms on every pull request. It runs the following steps:

  • Checks out the repository
  • Sets up Node.js with the specified version
  • Installs dependencies
  • Runs ESLint for code linting
  • Builds the application for the respective platform
  • Runs end-to-end tests for the respective platform

By using these workflows, the project ensures that the application is always built, tested, and ready for release, thus maintaining a high level of code quality and stability.