Configuring the launcher settings - ItsSim/fsolauncher GitHub Wiki

The launcher contains a few settings to customize FreeSO and the launcher itself. These differ between platforms as some platforms support more features than others.

Microsoft Windows

  • Launcher-related settings

    • Launch FreeSO on Startup/Shortcut Mode: When enabled, the launcher will run FreeSO on startup and then stay put in the icon tray. (Default: Disabled)
    • Launcher Theme: Choose a style for your launcher. (Default: Open Beta)
    • Closing Behavior: Choose whether to keep the launcher in the icon tray or completely exit when closing. (Default: Stay in icon tray)
    • Launcher Language: Choose the language for your launcher. (Default: System default)
  • Game-related settings

    • Graphics Mode: Graphics APIs the game will use. (Default: OpenGL)
    • 3D Mode: Enable or disable the game's 3D mode. Disabled means the game will be in 2D. (Default: Disabled)
    • In-game language: Experimental settings to change the in-game UI language.
    • Refresh rate (Hz): Refresh rate for the game. Higher refresh rate translates to smoother gameplay. The max value will be the max refresh rate of your primary screen. (Default: 60)
  • Simitone settings

    • Anti-Aliasing: Enables AA in Simitone.

macOS and Debian-based Linux distros

  • Launcher-related settings

    • Launch FreeSO on Startup/Shortcut Mode: When enabled, the launcher will run FreeSO on startup. (Default: Disabled)
    • Launcher Theme: Choose a style for your launcher. (Default: Open Beta)
    • Closing Behavior: Choose whether to keep the launcher in the menu bar or completely exit when closing. (Default: Exit launcher)
    • Launcher Language: Choose the language for your launcher. (Default: System default)
  • Game-related settings

    • Graphics Mode: Graphics APIs the game will use. On Mac, only OpenGL is available. (Default: OpenGL)
    • 3D Mode: Enable or disable the game's 3D mode. Disabled means the game will be in 2D. (Default: Disabled)
    • In-game language: Experimental settings to change the in-game UI language.
    • Refresh rate (Hz): Refresh rate for the game. Higher refresh rate translates to smoother gameplay. The max value will be the max refresh rate of your primary screen. (Default: 60)
  • Simitone settings

    • Anti-Aliasing: Enables AA in Simitone.