Branching Strategy: Main and Develop Branches - ItsSim/fsolauncher GitHub Wiki

In this project, we follow a simple and effective branching strategy using two main branches: main and develop.

  1. main branch: The main branch represents the stable, production-ready version of the application. It contains the latest stable release, which has undergone thorough testing and validation. Releases created from this branch are intended for general end-user experience and optimized for production use.

  2. develop branch: The develop branch serves as the primary development branch. All new features, bug fixes, and enhancements are merged into this branch. The develop branch contains the latest, possibly unstable, version of the application that's meant for development and testing purposes. Releases created from this branch are considered pre-release versions and are not recommended for general end-users.

When working on new features or bug fixes, collaborators should create separate feature or bugfix branches based on the develop branch. Once the work is completed, a pull request should be opened against the develop branch for review and testing.

After a feature or bugfix has been merged into the develop branch and thoroughly tested, the changes can be merged into the main branch to create a new stable release. This process ensures that the main branch always contains a production-ready version of the application, while the develop branch serves as a testing ground for new changes.

By following this branching strategy, the project can maintain a clear separation between stable releases and ongoing development work. This approach helps maintain code quality and application stability while providing a collaborative environment for contributors.