Problem description - ItsLastDay/StackOverflow_Map GitHub Wiki

The problem

Consider all tags from StackOverflow: Java, C#, multiprocessing, etc. Let's build a graph, where each vertex is a tag. Edges are represented by questions: each question connects all pairs of tags that are assigned to the question. Let's say that
w(tag_1, tag_2) = number of edges connecting tag_1 and tag_2
The more w(t1,t2) is, the better - tags are "similar" in that sense.

Given such structure, plot all tags on a 2D map using t-SNE algorithm. We want to observe relationships between tags visually.

Steps required to solve the problem

  • Obtain data about StackOverflow tags;
  • create an adjacency matrix w[i][j] with weights between tags;
  • feed the matrix to one of t-SNE implementations;
  • plot the result nicely.


  • There are around 50k tags on SO, and more than 10M questions;
  • gathering the latest data from SO is not straightforward;
  • t-SNE does not work with graphs out-of-the-box;
  • the whole thing must run in less than 24 hours (i.e. plotting a single dump).