Dictionary - ItsDeltin/Overwatch-Script-To-Workshop GitHub Wiki
struct Dictionary<K, V>
public K[] Keys;
public V[] Values;
public V Get(K key)
return Values[Keys.IndexOf(key)];
// Sets a value in the dictionary.
public static void Set(ref Dictionary<K, V> dictionary, in K key, in V value)
dictionary.Values[dictionary.Keys.IndexOf(key)] = value;
// Adds a value to the dictionary.
public static void Add(ref Dictionary<K, V> dictionary, in K key, in V value)
dictionary.Keys += key;
dictionary.Values += value;
// Sets a value in the dictionary. Will add the key if it doesn't exist.
public static void SetOrAdd(ref Dictionary<K, V> dictionary, in K key, in V value)
Number index = dictionary.Keys.IndexOf(key);
if (index == -1) // Key not found; add it.
Add(dictionary, key, value);
dictionary.Values[index] = value;
Usage example:
// Initiation
Dictionary<String, Hero> stringHeroPairs = { Keys: ["Ana", "Ashe", "Bastion"], Values: [Hero.Ana, Hero.Ashe, Hero.Bastion] };
// Adds a value
Dictionary<String, Hero>.Add(stringHeroPairs, "Baptiste", Hero.Baptiste);