Troubleshooting - Islandora-Devops/isle-dc GitHub Wiki

These are from issues that have come up from #isle #support channels.

A container fails to start or exits after building?

Instead of running make up again try running the docker specifically on the container and don't use the -d detached mode switch.

docker run islandora/drupal:latest -p 80:80 drupal

Traefik won't start?

If the following error message comes up, it's likely a port conflict. port_conflict

Check to see if there is anything listening to the ports that Traefik needs. An existing instance of Traefik could be the issue.

sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN

Look for a port 80 conflict. if there is one you can stop it and check again.


Helpful Applications : Script to gather all information needed to diagnose most issues related to the building of isle-dc

Docker Logs 101: A Complete Guide for Docker Logging