Frequenlty Asked Questions - Isenreik/IR-HoI4-Sanguinem-et-Lacrimas GitHub Wiki

Important - Please Read before asking questions

A list of frequently asked questions and their answers.

The tech tree is not working

Check your activated mod list. Compare it to this Compatibility List.

How does chemical warfare work?

See the wiki article on that subject: Chemical-Warfare

I'm getting technology researched messages at the start of the game, is that normal?

Yes. It's a work-around to remain compatible with any and every type of modded or custom nations. It is as intended. I wish I could hide the message for more immershun, but this has to do.

The more elaborate explanation: Normally starting technology is set in the history\countries\TAG - Country.txt, but that file is also edited for a lot of different things, from politics to starting units, so if I'd be editing the files, SangLac would interfere with any other mod, or worse, other mods might interfere with SangLac. Especially the Heavy Weapons and Anti-Tank weapons are crucial, or else the game will absolutely break.

You updated the mod, breaking my saves

Yes, that is a thing most likely to happen. If you want to continue playing with an older version, you can always find older versions here:

How to install:

  1. On the relevant version page, download the source code

old_versions_1 old_versions_2

  1. Put the ir-sanguinem-et-lacrimas folder and ir-sanguinem-et-lacrimas.mod into \Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\mod

Can this mod be made part of this other mod? Can I add this mod to a mod-pack?

No. Sanguinem et Lacrimas will remain independent. There is no need and no desire for my mod to be part of another mod or a modpack. My mods are all as compatible as possible, which means it can simply run in addition to whatever other mods you're running. If SangLac is incompatible with another great mod that I approve of, I'll write a compatibility patch. In the unlikely case in the future that I'll actually agree to something like a mod pack, it will be directly stated on here or on SangLac's mod page or anything like that. Unless directly stated by me, that mod-pack decided to steal my mod...and will most likely break things.