Home - IronScheme/IronScheme GitHub Wiki
Scheme help
- R6RS Home Page
- Revised 6th Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme
- Revised 6th Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme - Standard Libraries
- The Scheme Programming Language - Fourth Edition (new)
- How to Use Scheme
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- How to Design Programs/2e
- Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days
- Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation
- Functional Programming in Scheme
- The Adventures of a Pythonista in Schemeland
- Programming Praxis
- IronScheme Visual Studio 2008 Integration
- xacc.ide
- Emacs
- Eclipse 3.2 with SchemeWay addon
- DrScheme
.NET interoperability
Common .NET type system
Using IronScheme from .NET
- Embedding IronScheme in .NET apps
- Using IronScheme's extension methods
- Using IronScheme via remoting
Using .NET from IronScheme
Additional features in the (ironscheme) library
Running IronScheme
Developing IronScheme
Known limitations
- call/cc does not support reifying continuations, iow the continuation must be called from the dynamic extent. Similar toRacket's call/ec
- due to above, multiple values are simulated and becomes a first class object
- Unicode code points larger than 0xffff are not supported (known as surrogate pairs in .NET)
Ideas for implementation
- Library packages/containers
- .NET 4.0 integration
- CPS Conversion
- Structures for a statically typed Scheme