Compilation guide for Easy LoRa Node - IoTThinks/EasyLoraGateway GitHub Wiki
1. Connect Easy LoRa Node to laptop
Just simply plug the micro usb of Heltec board to the usb port of your laptop.
2. Setup Arduino IDE and ESP32 library
Easy LoRa node uses Heltec Lora Wifi 32 which is an ESP32 board. Hence, the instruction to setup Arduino IDE and ESP32 library is the same as with Easy LoRa gateway.
If you already finished this step for Easy LoRa gateway then you could skip this step.
3. Setup external libraries
Include library for SSD1306. This is for the OLED of node.
Reboot Arduino IDE.
4. Compile source code for Easy LoRa Node
Open file EasyLoRaNode.ino in Arduino IDE.
Change board to Heltec_WiFi_LoRA_32