Mobile virtual pin mapping - IoTThinks/EasyLoRaGateway_v2.1 GitHub Wiki


  • Pin mapping for Blynk control of Easy LoRa gateway
  • User can decide the GUI based on supported virtual pins.

1. System

  • V0: Reboot
  • V1: System status
  • V2: System log

2. Nodes

Each node has up-to-10 virtual pins for control and sensor data

  • V1[x] for node 1, V2[x] for node 2, V3[x] for node 3...

Virtual pin mapping for each node

  • x=0: Reserved
  • x=1: On/off switch P1
  • x=2: On/off switch P2
  • x=3: RS485 sensor 1
  • x=4: RS485 sensor 2
  • x=5: I2C sensor 1
  • x=6: I2C sensor 2
  • x=7: Reserved
  • x=8: Reserved
  • x=9: Reserved

3. Sample usage

Users can drag and drop their own Blynk app with pre-defined virtual pins.
