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This project has moved to work with Visual Studio Community 2013. The .NET version is now 4 and the build is intended for x64 platforms.
Objectives and particular purposes
For this, please read Objectives and particular purposes (English) Else, I've written a version in french Objectifs et particularités de ce logiciel
Video Trailer
A video trailer of this software is available. You can go to this page Vimeo to watch the video. Enjoy !
About the World of computer science
I know that computer science is leaving this tool. People know programming and are not interested to use my tool, but use others. Hence, there is a download beta of my tool at this moment. I'm using VS to develop it. But, simply, if I should have this tool properly functional, I will use it. Now, I want to say that the commonly use of this tool is to develop more rapidly, because more things will be written before and rapidly reusable. That's why I want to end up this tool. Thanks
Project Description
Automated language writer with graphical editor. Converts into other languages like PowerShell & C++ .NET
Project Versions
The V4 version enables users who want to use this tool to decide if their program is compatible with an another program. Two programs are compatibles each other if there are the same informations to define.
The V3 version enables users who want to use this tool to personalize their source code. There are Patterns, Programs, Libraries and flat code. The developer needs to "cut" his application source code into Patterns, Programs and Libraries. This version will work with Windows 8 and enables the user to interact with his fingers easily with the tool.
The V2 version of CodeCommander becomes script-able.
The V1 version is available now, at least the working machine : a little compiler in a little and intuitive programming language.
About the tool
First, this tool uses itself. All displayed statements are realized in HTML to the editor window. The HTML source for each statement is compiled with and by the compiler.
At the end, i will publish CodeCommander's source files itself and it will be written with the CodeCommander tool to generate a main source code itself.
A new functionality is coming !Sorry, do you know the ASP (Active Server Page) language ? Yes ? Then, this compiler is like ASP but not only for generate HTML code. It can generate any text.
The interest into scripting a compiler, this is because the user could analyze, check, test, compose and recompose, update, delete and add some statements with the help of PowerShell script or Perl script (if implemented), for example.
Also, the tool can personalize any text. For example, a SQL statement: SELECT * FROM Table1; Then, with the tool, you can write : SELECT * FROM ;
Compatibility is checked by the comparison of an information set. If two programs have the same information set, then they are compatible.
Developer Enhancement
Try to understand that when you would like to transform a good software with no bugs into an different software which can do others things. By grouping the source code into architecture, technical implementation, unit functions and by personalize some source code which can be different. You could add conditions onto the program to realize the new sample source code.
For example, from a Windows architecture, you transform the source code into Mac OS architecture, but the software do the same thing.
This is not a new IDE replacement. You need to write your source code with your preferred IDE and then you import into CodeCommander and then you compile it to obtain the new source code and then you re-import into your preferred IDE.
Also, CodeCommander can be a source code knowledge database in order to capitalize, industrialize and teach to developers how to implement samples of these technologies : .NET, ASP.NET, Sharepoint, etc.
Technologies into the Project
Visual Studio Community 2013, C# .NET V4, COM Architecture, XML, HTML, Javascript, CSS