Software Test Cases - IntroSE03/IntroSE_03 GitHub Wiki

This wiki page contains explanations of each software test case used for testing this program.

Admin Test Cases

  • test_admin_edit_inv
    • tests that the administrator is able to access django's administration portal to edit inventory items, including the SusFlag (suspends the product listing)
  • test_admin_edit_ordr
    • tests that the administrator is able to access django's administration portal to edit in-process orders
  • test_admin_edit_return
    • tests that the administrator is able to access django's administration portal to edit product returns
  • test_admin_edit_usr
    • tests that the administrator is able to access django's administration portal to edit user accounts, including the SusFlag (suspends the user account)
  • test_admin_view_products
    • tests that the administrator is able to view products, including the product suspension status
  • test_admin_view_users
    • tests that the administrator is able to view users, including their account suspension status

Customer Test Cases

  • test_customer_cart_view
    • tests for accessibility to view items in the cart
  • test_customer_order_view
    • tests for accessibility to view orders
  • test_customer_retrieve_products
    • tests for ability to query for and return all unsuspended products
  • test_customer_return_view
    • tests for ability to view returns
  • test_customer_search_inv
    • tests for ability to search for filtered items in the inventory
  • test_customer_view_home
    • tests for the ability to view the homepage of the store

Login Test Cases

  • test_login_admin
    • tests admin login functionality using correct credentials
  • test_login_func
    • tests that the login page is actually accessible and the login function calls the page (required for login)
  • test_login_signup_url
    • tests that the signup page can be resolved and loaded correctly
  • test_login_signupfunc
    • tests that the signup page is accessibly and called correctly (required to login if no account)
  • test_login_url_is_resolved
    • tests that the login page can be resolved and loaded correctly

Seller Test Cases

  • test_seller_email_retrieve
    • tests that the seller email retrieval function functions correctly
  • test_seller_exists
    • tests that the seller existence function works correctly
  • test_seller_magasin_données
    • tests that the seller data is stored and retrieved correctly
  • test_seller_signup_view
    • tests that the seller signup page loads and resolves as intended
  • test_seller_signup
    • tests that the seller view function works correctly