Meetings - IntroSE03/IntroSE_03 GitHub Wiki

Sprint 1

1/30/23: 4:04 - 4:30 pm

Contributors present: Claire Justis, Wyatt Shanahan, Katelyn Jett, Marasia Harris

Decided on using the Python language format

  • Look into DJango
  • Look into MySQL for data storage

Decided on Requirements

  • Users with different roles (Buyer, Seller, Admin) should be able to login into their accounts to be able to perform different actions and logout.
  • A seller should be able to add, sell and receive payments for their available products. Added all collaborators to Github and Discord group

Created Meetings Wiki and README page

For next meeting: Review rubric, SRS, and Project Topic documents, flesh out README document, brainstorm user stories

2/2/2023 12:40 - 1:45 pm

Contributors present: Claire Justis, Wyatt Shanahan, Katelyn Jett

Updated README document with group members' real names, github names, and group role
Updated SRS document sections 1.1 - 1.5, which includes:

  • Purpose - Claire Justis
  • Document conventions - Katelyn Jett
  • Intended Audience - Claire Justis
  • Product Scope - Wyatt Shanahan
  • References - Claire Justis

2/6/2023 3:30 - 5:00 pm

Contributors present: Claire Justis, Wyatt Shanahan, Katelyn Jett

Assigned issues to make note of contributors' assigned portions of the repo for Sprint 1:

  • Wyatt Shanahan: README document (issue #1)
  • Claire Justis: Meetings Wiki (issue #2)
  • Katelyn Jett: User Stories Wiki (issue #3) Update section 2 of the SRS Document:
  • 2.1 Product Perspective - Claire Justis
  • 2.2 Product Functions - Claire Justis
  • 2.3 User Classes and Characteristics - Claire Justis
  • 2.4 Operating Environment - Claire Justis
  • 2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints - Wyatt Shanahan

Obtained clarification on various project aspects from lab instructor

2/8/2023 7:20 - 8:40 pm

Contributors present: Claire Justis, Wyatt Shanahan, Marasia Harris

README document complete: Wyatt Shanahan

User stories work in progress: Katelyn Jett

SRS sections:

  • 3.1 User Interface: Marasia Harris
  • 4.1 Performance Requirements: Claire Justis
  • 4.2 Safety Requirements: Marasia Harris
  • 4.3 Security Requirements: Marasia Harris
  • 4.4 Software Quality Attributes: Claire Justis
  • 5 Other Requirements: Wyatt Shanahan
  • Appendix A-C: Wyatt Shanahan

Sprint 2

2/13/23 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Contributors present: Claire Justis, Wyatt Shanahan, Katelynn Jett

Decided on scope of user classes, including permissions
Decided on using MySQL relational database framework for external data storage/management
Created framework for UML Class diagrams
Created framework for Use Case Diagrams

To look into for next meeting:
Wyatt: UML Class Diagrams
Katelynn: User Story Diagrams
Claire: Use Case Diagrams

3:30 - 5:00 pm

Contributors present: Claire Justis, Wyatt Shanahan, Katelynn Jett

Created Use case diagram for Seller
Outline created for Buyer and Admin Use case Diagrams

12:30 - 1:45 pm

Contributors present: Claire Justis, Wyatt Shanahan, Katelynn Jett

Updates made to Use Case Diagrams
UML Class Diagram created
UML Sequence Diagrams outlined
UML State Diagrams outlined

2/27/23 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Contributors present: Claire Justis, Wyatt Shanahan, Katelynn Jett
UML Class Diagram Complete
UML Sequence Diagrams partially Complete
UML State Diagrams Complete
To be Done:
UML Activity Diagrams
Architectural Design Diagram
Component-Level Design Diagram

3/6/23 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Contributors present: Claire Justis, Wyatt Shanahan, Katelynn Jett, Marasia Harris
Sequence diagrams complete
User stories 7 and 8 created
Architecture Diagram started
Component-level Diagrams started

Sprint 3

3:30 - 5:00 pm

Contributors present: Claire Justis, Wyatt Shanahan, Katelynn Jett
Reviewed deliverables and rubric for Sprint 3
Allocated user interface responsibilities to Katelynn Jett
Allocated unit testing responsibilities to Wyatt Shanahan
Allocated database responsibilities to Claire Justis
User class responsibilities TBD

3:30 - 6:00 pm

Contributors present: Claire Justis, Wyatt Shanahan, Katelynn Jett, Marasia Harris User Base Class established
Login functionality established
Seller User Class established
Seller Add Inventory established
Above classes are currently in CLI format, need to be converted to Django