Group Meetings - Intro-to-SE-Spring-21/Group5repo GitHub Wiki
Jan 24, 2021
- Met at 5:00 PM
- Added team member info to README file in GitHub
- Used pull requests after checking the info everyone was adding
- Added core features descriptions as issues on GitHub
- Created 2 pages for the Wiki
- Set up future meeting times
- Updated GitHub Team info
- Set all present team members to Maintainer for easier management
- Emailed TA about one group member that still hasn’t been invited to the GitHub organization
Jan 28, 2021
- Met at 3:05 PM
- Added new Issues
- Edited pre-existing Issues
- Finally got Jackson in the team
- Added User Stories
- Added pages and info to the Wiki
Jan 31, 2021
- Met at 5:30 PM
- Added requirements
- Set up web server
- Added wiki page for web server
- Edited User Stories
- Edited README to include languages, framework, and project description
- Wireframing website
Feb 7, 2021
- Met at 5:00 PM
- Decided team roles
- Discussed working plan
- Figured out how to link JavaScript and HTML
- Went over using Linux to view and edit web server
Feb 19, 2021
- Met at 3:00 PM
- Added basic HTML and CSS pages
- Discussed GitHub Pages for web hosting
- Planned out agenda for next week
- Assigned tasks to members
- Rachel: Set up HTML and PHP Forms
- Lundy: Issue Documentation and Diagrams
- Thomas: Task Breakdown for every story
- Jackson: Processing data from HTML and adding it to database
- Lundy/Thomas/Jackson: Set up PHP to SQL database
Feb 28, 2021
- Met at 5:00 PM
- Discussed database set up
- Created Login, Register, and Settings Pages
- Discussed what is to come for Sprint 3
- User Story issues created
- Started moving things to NodeJS
- Attempted implementing Travis CI
Mar 9, 2021
- Met at 6:00 PM
- Discussed pros/cons for implementing NodeJS
- Discussed plans for finishing Sprint 3
- Discussed strategy for starting Sprint 4
Mar 11, 2021
- Abandoned NodeJS
- Moved back to PHP/SQL plan
- Set up local WAMP servers
- Set up database
- Converted .html files to .php
- Connected .php files to database
- Optimized HTML and CSS
Mar 13, 2021
- Implemented Like A Tweet core feature
- Created settings.html and follow.html
- Added in headers and buttons for home.php
- Styled follow.html
- Attempted implementing Travis CI again
- Removed unused and unnecessary files
Mar 14, 2021
- Added error messages to registerAccount.html and loginPage.html
- Updated SQL and databases to accommodate functionality with users
- Added functionality for creating an account, logging in, and following users
- Successfully implemented Travis CI
Mar 24, 2021
- Met at 7:00 PM
- Planned out test cases Travis CI
- Fixed some conflicts