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The Arbotix-Pro is a robotics subcontroller based around the STM32F103 Cortex M3 ARM cpu. It has support for both TTL or RS-485 communciation, to control AX, MX, and Dynamixel-PRO actuators from ROBOTIS. Interface to the main CPU of a robot is provided via USB, Xbee, or UART, all of which are on dedicated serial ports and can be used simultaneously for other comms.
The Arbotix-Pro ships with a CM-730 compatible firmware, which enables the subcontroller to be recognized as an ID 200 Dynamixel device, complete with register table for querying sensor data, passthrough communication to the Dynamixel bus, and power control. An integrated Accelerometer and Gyroscope provide inertial data when the subcontroller is located within the COG of the robot. In addition, the Arbotix-Pro has 16 ADC/GPIOs available, 3 user buttons, 3 user LEDs, Buzzer output, 3 serial ports, 3.3v & 5v power regulators capable of providing 1.5amp each, and a 60amp mosfet for power switching on the Dynamixel bus.
Hardware Overview
- STM32F103 Cortex M3 32bit ARM
- CM-730 compatible firmware
- TTL or RS-485 Dynamixel Bus
- 3 User Buttons & LEDs
- 60amp MOSFET power control
- Accelerometer/Gyroscope
- Xbee Wireless Communication
- USB Comm & spare UART