Utility Blueprints - Interactml/iml-unreal GitHub Wiki

All the other blueprints and notes about advanced node useage

Additional Nodes

External Training Set

Create a temporary training set object backed by a specific/new external data file.

Use Case: When a standalone application needs to support dynamic training set creation and recording and there aren't project assets packaged in to provide this.

External Model

Create a temporary model object backed by a specific/new external data file.

Use Case: When a standalone application needs to support dynamic model training and there aren't project assets packaged in to provide this.

Helper Functions

Dump Parameters

Dumps a parameters set out to the screen/log as a list of floating point values.

Use Case: Diagnosing the values produced by the parameter collection process and seeing it change over time


Saves any unsaved training set or model data to disk.

Use Case: Needed so that standalone applications can commit new example data to disk that has been recorded and new models that have been trained.

Common Node Configuration

Custom Context Actor

The main InteractML Blueprint Nodes have an advanced setting for enabling a special extra pin for specifying the Actor the node is running in the context of. The "Context Actor" is needed as a place to store information shared between different nodes in a ML graph as it runs (parameters, models and training sets). Normally this is obtained automatically from the Actor the graph is running inside of, but there are cases where this isn't possible (mainly when using nodes within custom Blueprint Library functions). Enabling this pin allows an actor to be explicitly specified.

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