IntelliHome::Schema::SQLite::Schema::Result::User - IntelliHome/Google-at-Home GitHub Wiki


IntelliHome::Schema::SQLite::Schema::Result::User - DBIx::Class model that represent a User


This object is a model that represent a User


  • userid()

    user unique ID identifier

  • username()

    username of the user

  • password()

    password of the user

  • name()

    the user name

  • picture()

    the user picture

  • admin()

    returns 1 if the user is admin, 0 otherwise

  • remotecontrollayouts()

    custom remote controllers layout of the user

  • usergpio()

    gpios associated to the user

  • userroom()

    the rooms that can be managed by the user

  • gpios()

    gpios that can be handled by the user

  • rooms()

    rooms that are associated to the user


IntelliHome::Schema::SQLite::Schema::Result::GPIO, IntelliHome::Schema::SQLite::Schema::Result::Node, IntelliHome::Schema::SQLite::Schema::Result::Command