IntelliHome::Schema::SQLite::Schema::Result::Node - IntelliHome/Google-at-Home GitHub Wiki


IntelliHome::Schema::SQLite::Schema::Result::Node - DBIx::Class model that represent a Node


This object is a model that represent a Node in the network


  • nodeid()

    node unique ID identifier

  • roomid()

    the room id where the node is in

  • name()

    the node name

  • description()

    the node description

  • host()

    the node address

  • port()

    the node port were it's listening

  • type()

    the node type (master/agent/node)

  • user()

    the node username (where in the future can be ssh'd thru the deployers)

  • password()

    the node password (where in the future can be ssh'd thru the deployers)

  • gpios()

    the node associated gpios

  • room()

    the room where the node belong to


IntelliHome::Schema::SQLite::Schema::Result::GPIO, IntelliHome::Schema::SQLite::Schema::Result::UserGPIO, IntelliHome::Schema::SQLite::Schema::Result::Room