IntelliHome::RPC::Service::Ask - IntelliHome/Google-at-Home GitHub Wiki


IntelliHome::RPC::Service::Ask - IntelliHome "ask" service for RPC server


This object represent the "ask" service for the RPC server, it is available under rpcserver_ip:port/ask


IntelliHome::RPC::Service::Ask inherits all methods from IntelliHome::RPC::Service::Base and implement the following new:

  • rpc_gpio($tag)

    Query the database backend, returning a list of GPIOs object (Schema dependant). The $tag must be a tagged gpio. If $tag is not given it returns all the elements.

  • rpc_nodes($query)

    Query the database backend, returning a list of nodes object (Schema dependant). The $query must be an hashref of key => values that matches a gpio. If $query is not given it returns all the elements.

  • rpc_get_nodes($name)

    Query the database backend, returning a list of YAML serialized nodes. The $name is used to filter by name. If $name is not given it returns all the elements.

  • rpc_gpio_data($tag)

    Query the database backend, returning a list of YAML serialized gpios. The $tag is used to filter by tag. If $tag is not given it returns all the elements.

  • rpc_get_rooms($name)

    Query the database backend, returning a list of YAML serialized rooms. The $name is used to filter by name. If $name is not given it returns all the elements.


IntelliHome::RPC::Service::Ask inherits all attributes from IntelliHome::RPC::Service::Base


IntelliHome, IntelliHome::Workers::Master::RPC , MojoX::JSON::RPC::Service