IntelliHome::Deployer::Schema::SQLite - IntelliHome/Google-at-Home GitHub Wiki


$ sudo perl bin/intellihome-deployer -b SQLite -c prepare
$ sudo perl bin/intellihome-deployer -b SQLite -c install


IntelliHome::Deployer::Schema::SQLite is a module that handles the prepare/installation/upgrade phase for the SQLite database. The deployer can be invoked by command line using the intellihome-deployer shipped bin. The argument -b SQLite will address to this module while -c will invoke it's methods.


It inherits all attributes from IntelliHome::Deployer::Schema::Base and implement the new ones:

  • dh()

    Database handle


  • prepare()

    prepare the SQLite database specified in the configuration file

  • install()

    install the SQLite database specified in the configuration file

  • upgrade()

    upgrade the SQLite database version specified in the configuration file

  • version()

    print the SQLite database version

  • remove()

    remove the database