04CoreModulesPeggy - InjectiveLabs/injective-ts GitHub Wiki

:warning: The Docs have been moved to https://docs.ts.injective.network/core-modules/peggy :warning:

The peggy module is heart of the injective <> ethereum bridge, where deposited funds will be locked on the ethereum peggy contract and minted on the Injective chain. Similarly withdrawal funds will be burned on the injective chain and unlocked on the ethereum peggy contract.


This message is used to withdraw funds from the Injective Chain via the peggy contract, in the process funds will be burned on the injective chain and distributed to the ethereum address from the peggy contract.

Note that a $10 USD bridge fee will be charged for this transaction to cover for the ethereum gas fee on top of the standard INJ transaction fee.

import {
} from "@injectivelabs/sdk-ts";
import { TokenPrice, TokenService } from "@injectivelabs/sdk-ui-ts";
import { BigNumberInBase } from "@injectivelabs/utils";
import { ChainId } from "@injectivelabs/ts-types";
import { getNetworkEndpoints, Network } from "@injectivelabs/networks";

const tokenPrice = new TokenPrice(COINGECKO_OPTIONS);
const tokenService = new TokenService({
  chainId: ChainId.Mainnet,
  network: Network.Mainnet,

const endpointsForNetwork = getNetworkEndpoints(Network.Mainnet);
const denomClient = new DenomClient(Network.Mainnet, {
  endpoints: endpointsForNetwork,

const tokenSymbol = "INJ";
const tokenMeta = denomClient.getTokenMetaDataBySymbol(tokenSymbol);

const amount = 1;
const injectiveAddress = "inj1...";
const destinationAddress = "0x..."; // ethereum address
const tokenDenom = `peggy${tokenMeta.erc20.address}`;

if (!tokenDenom) {

const tokenUsdPrice = tokenService.fetchUsdTokenPrice(tokenDenom.coinGeckoId);
const amountToFixed = new BigNumberInBase(amount)
const bridgeFeeInToken = new BigNumberInBase(ETH_BRIDGE_FEE_IN_USD)

const msg = MsgSendToEth.fromJSON({
  address: destinationAddress,
  amount: {
    denom: tokenDenom,
    amount: amountToFixed,
  bridgeFee: {
    denom: tokenDenom,
    amount: bridgeFeeInToken,

const txHash = await new MsgBroadcasterWithPk({
  chainId: ChainId.Mainnet,
  endpoints: endpointsForNetwork,
  msgs: msg,