02QueryingChainIBC - InjectiveLabs/injective-ts GitHub Wiki

:warning: The Docs have been moved to https://docs.ts.injective.network/querying/querying-chain/querying-chain-ibc :warning:

Example code snippets to query the chain for IBC related data.

Using gRPC

  • Get the denom trace from the IBC hash
import { ChainGrpcIbcApi } from "@injectivelabs/sdk-ts";
import { getNetworkEndpoints, Network } from "@injectivelabs/networks";

const endpoints = getNetworkEndpoints(Network.TestnetK8s);
const chainGrpcIbcApi = new ChainGrpcIbcApi(endpoints.grpc);
const hash = "...";

const denomTrace = await chainGrpcIbcApi.fetchDenomTrace(hash);

  • Get a list of denom traces
import { ChainGrpcIbcApi } from "@injectivelabs/sdk-ts";
import { getNetworkEndpoints, Network } from "@injectivelabs/networks";

const endpoints = getNetworkEndpoints(Network.TestnetK8s);
const chainGrpcIbcApi = new ChainGrpcIbcApi(endpoints.grpc);

const denomTraces = await chainGrpcIbcApi.fetchDenomsTrace();
