Publication Planner - Infomaker/Dashboard-Plugin GitHub Wiki

Publication Planner

Known as Newsday Planner (NPL)

Getting started

Version: 3.1.0

Version: 4.3.0 (IMID)

List and search articles using LCC.


In order to make DND work you should check following:

  • LCC is of version 1.4.0 or higher
  • articleExtractors is configured
  • publisherId is configured
  • PubStart, PubStop, WriterHasPublishedVersion is configured in ocProperties config

v4.3.0 (IMID)

Using proxy

  • Configure Writer to allow requests from Dashboard IP

Using fetch

  • Configure Writer to allow Dashboard domain to do CORS requests




in your dashboard go to > plugins > install plugin >

  • Stage:{{VERSION}}
  • Prod:{{VERSION}}

Required plugins:

LCC Agent
ICP Agent
DNA Agent

Publication Planner Release Notes.

What's new

  • Display slugline under the headline in article card from config.

Configured with a Publication Planner Settings

  • go to > settings.
  • add OpenContent LCC ContentProvider name.
  • add QueryStreamer LCC ContentProvider name.
  • and add your Newsday Planner config inside the config editor.
  • and then click save.


Example config: