Placeholder tags - Infomaker/Dashboard-Plugin GitHub Wiki


Added in Dashboard-Plugin version 1.0.3

Will be replaced with the bundle value (unmodified) from manifest.json.

    bundle: "@plugin_bundle",
    application: Application


Added in Dashboard-Plugin version 1.1.5

Will be replaced with the bundle value (modified) from manifest.json. All dots will be replaced with dashes so that is can be used as a valid classname.

.@plugin_bundle_class {
    /* css */
<GUI.Wrapper className="@plugin_bundle_class">
    <GUI.Title text="hello world" />


Added in Dashboard-Plugin version 1.7.0

Will be replaced with the version value (unmodified) from manifest.json.

    <GUI.Title text='@plugin_version' /> // Will render your plugin version value from manifest.json