GUI Library - Infomaker/Dashboard-Plugin GitHub Wiki

Get a reference to the GUI object

The Dashboard object exposes a GUI class. You can access it like this:

const GUI = Dashboard.GUI

or import it

import { GUI } from 'Dashboard'

πŸ’πŸ» Wrapped GUI components A wrapped GUI component is a component that is wrapped by an extra element. This is to support components to render for example Icons or other children content inside of them. A wrapped component is marked with (wrapped) in the following documentation.

GUI components

GUI Events

Button (wrapped)

<GUI.Button text="My button" onClick={() => {}} />
Attr Type Default Description
onClick function null On click callback function
text string null Icon text, will render a span text for the icon if declared
className string null Custom class
disabled boolean false If button should be disabled
spinner boolean false Render spinner icon inside button if true
size string "normal" Size of button, can be "small", "normal", "large"
submit boolean false Will render a submit button if set to true or just declared on the button tag
reset boolean false Will render a reset button if set to true or just declared on the button tag
inverted boolean false Will render with inverted style if true. For example a button with border without background
primary boolean false Button will get the primary action style
warning boolean false Button will get the warning style
textOnly boolean false Display button in a link like fashion

Button example


πŸ’πŸ» If none of submit or reset is declared button will render as a normal button. If both submit and reset is declared button will be rendered as a submit button. or other children content inside of them. A wrapped component is marked with (wrapped) in the following documentation.


<GUI.Card card={myCard} />
Attr Type Default Description
className string null Custom class
style object null Custom inline style
width string null Custom width style
height string null Custom height style
disabled boolean false Disables card if true
onClick function null On click callback function for click on the whole card, returns passed card object

*GUI.Card takes drag/drop props see: GUI.Wrapper for more details.

Card item structure

Attr Type Default Description
title string null Mouse over data-tooltip title
status string null Card handler on left side, Supported status: draft, done, approved, withheld, usable, canceled
statusColor css color value null Custom card handler color
icon react elemnt / object null Valied react element to render on the right side of the card header, if it's an object will use GUI.Icon to be rendered
header react elemnt / string null Valied react element or string to be rendered on the top section of the card
headline string null Custom headline will be rendered in the top of the card body
content react elemnt null Valid react element to be rendered in the body section of the card
images array null Array of images url, will be rendered in the right side of card body with a number of images
footer react elemnt / string null Valied react element or string to be rendered on the bottom section of the card

Card icon as an object

Attr Type Default Description
iconClass string null Name of icon. Dashboard leverage the awesome font set Dripicons by Amit Jakhu. View all available icons here.
onClick function null On click callback function
const myCardIcon = {
    iconClass: 'world',
    onClick: () => {
        // On icon clicked....

const myCard = {
    icon: myCardIcon,

Full Card example

const myCard = {
    title: 'My card No: 1',
    status: 'done',
    header: myHeaderComponent,
    headline: 'Boomers smugglas in via Helsinborgs hamn och monteras pΓ₯ bilar - "De ska explodera nΓ€r bilen ΓΆppnas"',
    images: ['', ''],
    footer: 'SVERIGE | NYHET |​​​​​​​ Mathilda Sigurdardottir'

<GUI.Card card={myCard} onClick={card => //Do stuff with the card....}/>



<GUI.Checkbox className="custom-class" onChange={checked => {}} />
Attr Type Default Description
onChange function null On change callback function. Returns checked boolean
className string null Custom class
style object null Custom inline style
checked boolean false Default checked value
label string null Will render a label component
inline boolean false For display inline
disabled boolean false Disables checkbox if true
title string null Displays a tooltip with title string when hovering the input part

Checkbox example



<GUI.ColumnsLayout className="custom-class" columns={columns} />
Attr Type Default Description
id string null Id for each column, Column won't be rendered without an id
columns array null Array encluds cloumns objects
columnsClass string null Custom class will be applied for all columns
rowsClass string null Custom class will be applied for all column's rows
className string null Custom class will be applied for ColumnsLayout wrapper

Column item structure

        id: '63a43aa4-29b5-4e84-b0d2-52de5adfd1ef',
        align: 'left',
        rows: [
                id: '12fd54-2gfd5-400e84-b0dddd2-gfdde5a41',
                content: 'My row content'
Attr Type Default Description
id string null Id for each row, Row won't be rendered without an id
rows array null Array encluds rows objects
content react elemnt null Valied react element or string
className string null Custom class will be applied just for this row

Full ColumnsLayout example

const columns = [
        id: '63a43aa4-29b5-4e84-b0d2-52de5adfd1ef',
        align: 'left',
        rows: [
                id: 'columns-1-rows-1-id',
                content: 'column 1 - row 1'
                id: 'columns-1-rows-2-id',
                content: 'column 1 - row 2'
                id: 'columns-1-rows-3-id',
                content: 'column 1 - row 3'
        id: 'ffdf35-f3325-00sd-1cxxxa-sd2ffjj39717s',
        align: 'center',
        rows: [
                id: 'columns-2-rows-1-id',
                content: 'column 2 - row 1'
                id: 'columns-2-rows-2-id',
                content: 'column 2 - row 2'
                id: 'columns-2-rows-3-id',
                content: 'column 2 - row 3'
        id: '12fd54-2gfd5-400e84-b0dddd2-gfdde5a41',
        align: 'right',
        rows: [
                id: 'columns-3-rows-1-id',
                content: 'column 3 - row 1'
                id: 'columns-3-rows-2-id',
                content: 'column 3 - row 2'
                id: 'columns-3-rows-3-id',
                content: 'column 3 - row 3'

<GUI.ColumnsLayout columns={columns} columnsClass={'my-custom-columns-class'} rowsClass={'my-custom-rows-class'}/>


ConfigCheckbox (wrapped)

<GUI.ConfigCheckbox ref="configRef" label="config text" />
Attr Type Default Description
ref function null Use refs callback: this.handleRefs(ref, 'CONFIG_KEY')
className string null Custom class
style string null Custom inline style
checked boolean false Default checked value
label string null Config name text
inline boolean false For display inline
disabled boolean false Disables checkbox if true

Full ConfigCheckbox example

constructor(props) {
	this.state = {
		myConfig: props.config.myCheckboxConfig

<GUI.ConfigCheckbox ref="myCheckboxConfig" label="My Checkbox Config" />


ConfigDropDown (wrapped)

<GUI.ConfigDropDown items={items} ref="configRef" />
Attr Type Default Description
ref function null Use refs callback: this.handleRefs(ref, 'CONFIG_KEY')
items array null Array of items.
style string null Custom inline style
className string null Custom class
onSelect function null Return selected item.
defaultSelectedItem object null One of the items in the items array, will be selected at start.

Full ConfigDropDown example

const items = [
		iconClass: 'rocket',
		iconColor: 'gray',
		content: 'My content 1',
		id: 'my-custom-id-1'
		iconClass: 'star',
		iconColor: 'gray',
		content: 'My content 2',
		id: 'my-custom-id-2'

<GUI.ConfigDropDown ref="myDropDownConfig" defaultSelectedItem={items[0]} items={items} />


ConfigEditor (wrapped)

<GUI.ConfigEditor ref="configEditorRef"/> 
Attr Type Default Description
ref function null Use refs callback: this.handleRefs(ref, 'CONFIG_KEY')
schema object null Use schema to validate your config object, available schema constructors πŸ€“, for more details see jsonschema GitHub page
json boolean false If true will get a JSON object instead of a stringify object
name string null ConfigEditor label name
width string '100%' The hight of the editor. 'px' or '%'
height string '700px' The hight of the editor. 'px' or '%'
style boject null Custom inline style
className string null Custom class

ConfigEditor example


ConfigInput (wrapped)

<GUI.ConfigInput ref="configRef" name="config text" /> 
Attr Type Default Description
ref function null Use refs callback: this.handleRefs(ref, 'CONFIG_KEY')
name string null Config name text
value string null Default config input value
style string null Custom inline style
className string null Custom class
validation array null Config validation can be : 'required', 'alpha', 'numerical', 'alphanumerical', 'email'

Full ConfigInput example

<GUI.ConfigInput ref="myConfig" name="My Config Input" validation={['required']} />


ConfigJsonTree (wrapped)

<GUI.ConfigJsonTree ref="configRef" name="config text" value={}/> 
Attr Type Default Description
ref function null Use refs callback: this.handleRefs(ref, 'CONFIG_KEY')
name string null ConfigJsonTree name text
style string null Custom inline style
className string null Custom class
readOnly boolean false Read only mode can't be edit values
disabled boolean false Disable ConfigJsonTree if it's true
json boolean false If true will get a JSON object instead of a stringify object
data object null Set default value for the config json tree

Full ConfigJsonTree example

<GUI.ConfigJsonTree ref="myConfig" name="My Config JsonTree" />

GUI.ConfigJsonTree1 GUI.ConfigJsonTree2

ConfigPassword (wrapped)

<GUI.ConfigPassword ref="configRef" name="config text" />
Attr Type Default Description
ref function null Use refs callback: this.handleRefs(ref, 'CONFIG_KEY')
style string null Custom inline style
className string null Custom class
name string null Config name text
validation array null Config validation can be : 'required', 'alpha', 'numerical', 'alphanumerical', 'email'

Full ConfigPassword example

<GUI.ConfigPassword ref="myPasswordConfig" name="My Password Config Input" validation={['required']} />


ConfigSwitchButton (wrapped)

<GUI.ConfigSwitchButton ref="configRef" label="Config SwitchButton" />
Attr Type Default Description
ref function null Use refs callback: this.handleRefs(ref, 'CONFIG_KEY')
label string or object null Config label text, {left: 'left text', right: 'right text'}
validation array null Config validation can be : 'required', 'alpha', 'numerical', 'alphanumerical', 'email'
style string null Custom inline style
className string null Custom class

Full ConfigSwitchButton example

<GUI.ConfigSwitchButton ref="mySwitchButtonConfig" label="My SwitchButton Config Input" validation={['required']} />


ConfigTextarea (wrapped)

<GUI.ConfigTextarea ref="configRef" name="config text" />
Attr Type Default Description
ref function null Use refs callback: this.handleRefs(ref, 'CONFIG_KEY')
name string null Config name text
validation array null Config validation can be : 'required', 'alpha', 'numerical', 'alphanumerical', 'email'
style string null Custom inline style
className string null Custom class

Full ConfigTextarea example

<GUI.ConfigTextarea ref="myTextareaConfig" name="My Textarea Config Input" validation={['required']} />



<GUI.Datalist id={} options={}/>
Attr Type Default Description
id string null Id to use it in GUI.Input won't render with out an id
style string null Custom inline style
options array null An array with option item objects to display
className string null Custom class

Datalist Options item structure

    value: 'my option1',
    id: '63a43aa4-29b5-4e84-b0d2-52de5adfd1ef'

Full Datalist example

const items = [
		id: "my-custom-id-1",
		value: "apple"
		id: "my-custom-id-2",
		value: "anything!"
		id: "my-custom-id-3",
		value: "option 1"

<GUI.Input list={'my-input-list-id'} />
<GUI.Datalist id={'my-input-list-id'} options={items} />


DatePicker (wrapped)

<GUI.DatePicker />
Attr Type Default Description
className string null Custom class
onChange function null On change callback function. Returns current value
selected string or moment object null Sets the initial value of the datepicker
icon string or object null Render custom icon with DatePicker
label string or object null Render custom label with DatePicker
textMode boolean false Render DatePicker with the same style and with uneditable mood
readOnly boolean false Disable DatePicker
primary boolean false Primary style for input
onBlur function false onBlur callback function
onFocus function false onFocus callback function

icon & label Attr

const icon = {
    position: 'right',
    iconClass: 'calendar'
const label='My label text'

<GUI.DatePicker label={label} icon={icon} />


Dropdown (wrapped)

<GUI.DropDown items={[]} />
Attr Type Default Description
items array null Array of items.
selectedItem object null One of the items in the items array, will be selected at start.
filterable boolean false Will insert Search component if true to enable filtering of items
compact boolean false True or false if the dropdown should have a compact layout
maxHeight number 300 The max height of the dropdown, px will automatically be appended
onSelect string, object - Will return id for selected item, recieves object reference as second parameter. It is also possible to add a onSelect callback to each item
style object null Add inlinestyle to the dropdown
keyToggle boolean false Toggle between list items with arrow keys, and "Retern" key will select the item
className string null Custom class


Name Returns Description
isOpen boolean Check if the dropDown is open or not

Dropdown item structure

    id: "my-custom-dropdown-id",
    iconClass: "network-1",
    iconSize: "large",
    style: {
      color: 'gray'  
    content: "dropdown item value"
Attr Type Default Description
iconClass string null Icon class for the item.
iconSize string small Icon size for the item.
style object null To style the item's icon.

Full DropDown example

const items = [
			id: "my-custom-dropdown-id-1",
			iconClass: "network-1",
			content: "Dropdown item 1",
			style: {
				color: 'gray'
			id: "my-custom-dropdown-id-2",
			iconClass: "network-2",
			content: "Dropdown item 2",
			style: {
				color: 'red'
			id: "my-custom-dropdown-id-3",
			iconClass: "network-3",
			content: "Dropdown item 3",
			style: {
				color: 'blue'

<GUI.DropDown items={items} />


DropMenu (wrapped)

<GUI.DropMenu items={[]} />

Dropmenu is rendered inside a Popover GUI component. It will pass on all props to the Popover so you can also use Popover functionality.

Attr Type Default Description
items array null Array of DropMenu items.
compact boolean true Array of DropMenu items.
iconClass string normal Class for icon
customIcon element null Custom icon element.
iconSize string normal Size of icon: (small, normal or large)
align string center Align of DropMenu icon, left, center and right.
width int auto Width of DropMenu. px
height string auto Height of DropMenu, 'to-bottom' or 'auto'
maxWidth int 700 Max width of DropMenu.
maxHight int 300 Max hight of DropMenu, will be ignored if the height='to-bottom'
border boolean true Border of DropMenu.
scrollable boolean true Render passed content inside a scrollable wrapper
disabled boolean false Disable DropMenu

DropMenu item structure

    iconClass: "icon class name",
    id: 'my-drop-menu-custom-id',
    content: "dropmenu item content",
    onClick: () => {
	//Do Something.		    	
Prop Type Default Description
id string null Custom id, won't be rendered without an ID
iconClass string null Name of icon. Dashboard leverage the awesome font set Dripicons by Amit Jakhu. View all available icons here.
content string or element null Can be a string or an element. Pass an element to override the default class
disabled boolean false Disable the item
onClick function null On click callback function for click on the whole item, returns react wrapped event
className string null Custom class

Full DropMenu example

const items = [
		iconClass: "network-1",
		id: 'my-item-1-id',
		content: "dropmenu item content 1",
		onClick: () => {
			//Do Something.             
		iconClass: "network-2",
		id: 'my-item-2-id',
		content: "dropmenu item content 2",
		disabled: true,
		onClick: () => {
			//Do Something.             
		iconClass: "network-3",
		id: 'my-item-3-id',
		content: "dropmenu item content 3",
		onClick: () => {
			//Do Something.             

<GUI.DropMenu items={items} />


We create a dropmenu with two items. First item defines a custom component for it's title and an on click callback for the whole item. The second item defines a normal text content.

Gallery (wrapped)

<GUI.Gallery items={items} />
Attr Type Default Description
items array null An array with images or videos urls objects to display
width string '100%' The width for the gallery
height string '100%' The height for the gallery
className string null Custom class
onClick function null On click call back function
onPlay function null On play call back function
onSlide function null On slide call back function
onPause function null On pause call back function
showNav boolean true Show navigation arrows
showIndex boolean true Show images index number
autoPlay boolean false Auto play when component did mount
showBullets boolean true Show bullets under images
slideInterval int 200 Set slide interval
disableSwipe boolean false Dispale swipe between images
showThumbnails boolean true Display thumbnails for images and videos
showPlayButton boolean true display play button
thumbnailPosition string 'bottom' Thumbnail position: top, bottom, left and right
showFullscreenButton boolean false display full screen button

Gallery item structure

	thumbnail: 'PATH_TO_THUMBNAIL',
	description: 'Optional description...',
	sizes: { width: '200px', height: '150px'}
Prop Type Default Description
original string null The url for the original image to display it in the gallery
thumbnail string null The url for the thumbnail image to display it in the gallery bar , support youtube thumbnail images
description string null An optional description to display it beside the image
sizes object null An optional size to display the image with specific size
video boolean false If the url was a video should be " true "
embedUrl string null The url for the video to display it in the gallery

Full Gallery example

const items = [
		original: '',
		sizes: { width: '150px', height: '200px'},
		description: 'IMAGE NUMBER 1',
		original: '',
		description: 'IMAGE NUMBER 2',
		embedUrl: '',
		description: 'VIDEO NUMBER 1',
		video: true

<GUI.Wrapper style={{width: '100%', height: '500px'}}>
	<GUI.Gallery items={items} />


We create a gallery with two pictures and two videos. First two items display a nature pic, And the secound two item a nature videos from youtube.


<GUI.Header text="My header title" />
Attr Type Default Description
text string null Header text
className string null Custom class
direction string "ltr" Text direction, can be "ltr", "rtl"
onClick function null OnClick callback function

Header example



<GUI.Heading level="3" text="My h3 title" />
Attr Type Default Description
level integer 2 What kind of heading that will be rendered. Can be 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
text string null Heading text
className string null Custom class
direction string "ltr" Text direction, can be "ltr", "rtl"
onClick function null OnClick callback function

Heading example

<GUI.Heading level="3" text="My h3 title" />



<GUI.HTML  htmlValue={__html} />
Attr Type Default Description
htmlValue string null Dangerously Set InnerHTML value
className string null Custom class

HTML example

const htmlValue = "<h1>Hi there!</h1>"

<GUI.HTML htmlValue={htmlValue} />



<GUI.Icon iconClass="star" onClick={e => {}} text="My icon text" />
Attr Type Default Description
iconClass string null Name of icon. Dashboard leverage the awesome font set Dripicons by Amit Jakhu. View all available icons here.
onClick function null On click callback function, returns react wrapped event
text string null Icon text, will render a span text for the icon if declared
className string null Custom class
disabled boolean false If icon should be disabled
size string "normal" Size of button, can be small", "normal", "large"
iconColor string "white" Color of icon, can be e.g "black" or "#333"
textColor string "white" Color of text, can be e.g "black" or "#333"
spin boolean false Spiner Icon

Icon example

<GUI.Icon iconClass="star" text="My star icon" iconColor={"gray"}/>
<GUI.Icon iconClass="graph-bar" iconColor={"blue"}/>
<GUI.Icon iconClass="cloud" text="My cloud icon" iconColor={"red"}/>


IconSwitch (wrapped)

<GUI.IconSwitch icons={myIcons} onClick={() => { /* Do something */ }} onChange={item => {console.log(item)}} />
Attr Type Default Description
onChange function null On change callback function, return the icon OBJ.
onClick function null On click callback function
className string null Custom class
disabled boolean false If icon should be disabled

IconSwitch item structure

Attr Type Default Description
iconClass string null Name of icon. Dashboard leverage the awesome font set Dripicons by Amit Jakhu. View all available icons here.
id string-number null An id for the icon, *required won't be displayed with out an id
className string null Custom class for the icon
any other custom properties any null Custom properties will be returned with onChange callback

IconSwitch example

const icons = [
        id: 'my-lock-icon-switch-id',
        iconClass: 'lock',
        locked: true
        id: 'my-unlock-icon-switch-id',
        iconClass: 'lock-open',
        locked: false
<GUI.IconSwitch icons={icons} onClick={() => console.log('Clicked !')} onChange={item => console.log(item)}/>



<GUI.Webview src={'my url src'} />
Attr Type Default Description
frameBorder integer 0 The border for the frame
onLoad function null On load callback returns: (event, WebviewRef)
identifier string null Identifier for send and receiving data from/to src web page
onReceive function null On Receive callback function works same as onMessage returns: receivedData, receivedData should has identifier property same Webview identifier, won't receive any data if the identifier dosen't match
width string 100% The width for iframe
height string 100% The height for iframe
className string null Custom class

Send Data

<Webview src='my-src-url' ref={ref => this.myWebview = ref}/>
const myDataObj = {
    // Some data to send ....

Webview example

const url = ""

<GUI.Webview src={url} height={"600px"}/>



<GUI.Img src={'my url img'} />
Attr Type Default Description
width string null The width for image
height string null The height for image
draggable boolean false Set draggable prop on img element
onClick function null On click callback function returns Img src
onError function null On error loading the img src callback
className string null Custom class

Img example

const url = ""

<GUI.Img src={url} />



<GUI.Input placeholder="My input placeholder text" onChange={value => {}} />
Attr Type Default Description
onChange function null On change callback function. Returns current value
change boolean false Will trigger onChange once on first render if set to true
onEnter function null Callback function for enter keypress. Returns current value
placeholder string null Input placeholder text
list string null Input list for GUI.Datalist
className string null Custom class
disabled boolean false If input should be disabled
autoFocus boolean false Boolean if input should get focus on render
icon object null Render custom icon inside input, {iconClass: 'cross', position: 'right'}
label object null render custom label
textMode boolean false If true GUI.Input will be treat as a text element
multiple boolean false Allow multiple values in GUI.Input
onClick function null On click callback function returns click event
uncontrolled boolean false Control the input by ref set, get and clear value with: getValue(), setValue() and clear()
onBlur function null On blur callback function returns blur event
onFocus function null On focus callback function returns focus event
onKeyPress function null On key press callback function returns input value
onKeyDown function null On key down callback function returns an object with pressed key and input value, {key: PRESSED_KEY, value: INPUT_VALUE}

Input example

<GUI.Input placeholder="My input placeholder text" onChange={value => console.log(value)} />


JsonTree (wrapped)

<GUI.JsonTree name="My JsonTree name" data={myDataObject} onChange={value => //Do stuff with modyfied DataObject} />
Attr Type Default Description
name string null JsonTree name text
data object null JSON object data
style string null Custom inline style
className string null Custom class
readOnly boolean false Read only mode can't edit values
disabled boolean false Disable JsonTree if it's true
onChange function null On change callback function. Returns modyfied data object

JsonTree example

const myDataObject = {
    srting: 'My string',
    object: {
        key1: 'my key1 value',
        key2: 'my key2 value'
        key3: 'my key3 value'
    array: [
    boolean: true

<GUI.JsonTree name="Newsday Planner Config (JSON)" data={myDataObject} />



<GUI.Label className="custom class" htmlFor={htmlForValue} text={myText} />
Attr Type Default Description
text string null Label text
htmlFor string null HtmlFor value
className string null Custom class

Label example

const myText = "My label text"

<GUI.Label htmlFor={'my-example-input'} text={myText} />



<GUI.List items={[]} />
Attr Type Default Description
items array null Array of list items.
inlineItems boolean false By setting true GUI.List will render as a grid view.
before element null A custom element render in the top of the list .
after element null A custom element render in the bottom of the list .
compact boolean false True or false if the dropdown should have a compact layout
ItemClass element false Custom Item component to render the list items with.
className string null Custom class

List item structure

    id: "2b42d026-e5cb-4731-8fc0-2f87fde06b38",
    title: "list item title",
    content: "list item content",
    image: { src: "list-item-image.png" },
    author: "list item author"
Prop Type Default Description
id string or integer null Id for list item. An item without an id will not be rendered. If your objects don't have an id just call Dashboard.createUUID()
title string or element null Can be a string or a element. Pass an element to override the default class
content string or element null Can be a string or a element. Pass an element to override the default class
style object null Inline style for the item.
image object null Object with a src and size property representing the image
author string or element null Can be a string or a element. Pass an element to override the default class
onClick function null On click callback function for click on the whole item, returns react wrapped event
children array null List items rendered as a children inside the item

Full list example

const items = [{
    id: "my-custom-list-id-1",
    title: 'Title 1',
    content: "content 1"
}, {
    id: "my-custom-list-id-2",
    title: "title 2",
    content: <GUI.Header text="content 2" onClick={() => {}} />,
    image: { src: "list-item-image.png" }

<GUI.List items={items} />


πŸ’πŸ» You can also display your list as a grid by passing inlineItems={true}

<GUI.List items={items} inlineItems={true}/>



<GUI.MarkdownViewer className="custom class" htmlFor={htmlForValue} text={myText} />
Attr Type Default Description
text string null Markdown text

MarkdownViewer example

const myMarkdownText = `
    # Headline 1
    ## Headline 2

    **Cool bold text**

<GUI.MarkdownViewer text={myMarkdownText} />

Menu (wrapped)

<GUI.Menu items={myItems} />
Attr Type Default Description
items array null List items to render inside menu
iconClass string null Name of icon. Dashboard leverage the awesome font set Dripicons by Amit Jakhu. View all available icons here.
showText boolean false Show or hide text prop
link string null Link url text
className string null Custom class

Menu item structure

    iconClass: 'rocket',
    id: 'my-menu-item-id',
    text: 'My title text',
    showText: true

Full menu example

const items = [
		iconClass: 'rocket',
		iconColor: 'black',
		text: 'My title text',
		link: '',
		showText: true,
		id: "my-custom-menu-id-1",
		iconClass: 'star',
		iconColor: 'black',
		text: 'Title 2',
		link: '',
		showText: true,
		id: "my-custom-dropdown-id-2",

<GUI.Menu items={items} />



<GUI.MultiSelectList className="custom_class" items={seletListItems} />
Attr Type Default Description
className string null Custom class
items array null Multi select array of items
placeholder srting null Text place holdetr in MultiSelectList
noSelectionLabel srting null Fixed text will be displayed if there was no selected items
renderCheckedLabels boolean true Render selected item's labels as a text
clearButton boolean true Display a clear button to deselect all the items
clearPlaceholder string Clear Clear button text
align string left Align of Popover icon, left, center and right
primary boolean false Use Dashboard primary style
minWidth string 250px Set minWidth for MultiSelectList
maxHeight string null Set maxheight for MultiSelectList
style object null Inline style for MultiSelectList
onClear function null On clear callback, will fire when clear button is clicked or if all the items deselected
onChange function null On change callback with two arg: (activeItems, items) activeItems is the selected ones, items is all the items
onItemChange function null On any item changed will fire, with the changed item

If you have both onChange and onItemChange callbacks both will be fired.

Each item require a uniq uuid to be rendered.

MultiSelectList item structure

    uuid: 'my-item-1',
    label: 'my item label  text',
    checked: false,

you can pass any other custom property with the MultiSelectList item object and it will be passed with callback

MultiSelectList example

const items = [
        uuid: 'my-item-1',
        label: 'my label 1',
        checked: false,
        uuid: 'my-item-2',
        label: 'my label 2',
        checked: false,

<GUI.MultiSelectList items={items} />



<GUI.Paragraph text="My paragraph text" />
Attr Type Default Description
text string null Paragraph text, Will try to use children content if text attribute is omitted. Children content should only contain text and no html
className string null Custom class
direction string "ltr" Text direction, can be "ltr", "rtl"

Paragraph example

<GUI.Paragraph text="My paragraph text" />


Paragraph example with children content instead of text attribute

   My paragraph <strong>text</strong>


<GUI.Search className='my-class' placeholder='search here' />

accept all GUI.Input props

Attr Type Default Description
placeholder string null Paragraph text, Will try to use children content if text attribute is omitted
list string null Input list for GUI.Datalist
className string null Custom class

Popover (wrapped)

<GUI.Popover  />
Attr Type Default Description
content element null Custom element or a react component to be rendered in the popover.
trigger element <GUI.Icon iconClass = "dots-2"/> To trigger a custom element or a react component to display a popover.
arrow boolean true Display arrow with the popover.
hold boolean - object false An hold functionality to display the popover after hold on the trigger. defualt timeout = 500 ms, hold={{timeout: 2000}}
hover boolean false Open Popover on mouse hover the trigger instead of onClick
onClick function null OnClick callback function.
align string center Align of Popover icon, left, center and right.
width int auto Width of Popover.
height string auto Height of Popover, 'to-bottom' or 'auto'
maxWidth int 700 Max width of Popover.
maxHight int 300 Max hight of Popover, will be ignored if the height='to-bottom'
border boolean true Border of Popover.
useRelativePosition boolean false Use position: 'relative' instead of default position: 'fixed'
scrollable boolean true Render popover content inside a scrollable component


Name Returns Description
isOpen boolean Check if the popover is open or not

Full Popover example

Popover (hold)

Click and hold the trigger to dipslay popover

<GUI.Popover content={<MyCustomImportComponent />} trigger={<MyCustomPlusIcon />} hold={{timeout: 300}} arrow={false} />

Hover the trigger to dipslay popover

<GUI.Popover hover content={<MyCustomMenuComponent />} trigger={<MyCustomMenuIconElement />} />



<GUI.Section title="my-section" buttons={[]} />
Attr Type Default Description
title string null Section title.
className string null Custom class
headerClassName string null Custom class for header
buttons array null Array of GUI.Button rendered in the upper right of the section header. Requires the title prop to be set
minimized boolean false Render a minimized section
toggleable boolean true If the section is toggleable or not

Section buttons example

<GUI.Section title="my-title" buttons={[
    <GUI.Button text="first button" />,
    <GUI.Button text="second button" />
    // Section content

Full Section example

<GUI.Wrapper className="@plugin_bundle_class">
    <GUI.Section title="First Section" buttons={[
        <GUI.Button text="first button" />
        // first section content

    <GUI.Section title="Second Section" minimized buttons={[
        <GUI.Button text="second button" />
        // second section content

    <GUI.Section toggleable={false} title="Third Section">
        // Third section content



<GUI.Span text="my-span" />
Attr Type Default Description
text string null Span text
className string null Custom class

Span example

<GUI.Span text="my-span" />



<GUI.SuggestSearch title={} ocInstance={} config={} onSearch={} cacheKey={} />
Attr Type Default Description
title string null A title string represented in upper left corner
ocInstance object null A instance of LCC open content object
config object null Object containing config for suggest search (see below)
onSearch function null callback function when a search has occurred
cachekey string null string added to the cache key in order for either have same saved queries for each application or unique ones

Full SuggestSearch example

constructor(props) {

    this.lcc = null
    this.ocInstance = null

     this.state = {
        title: "Example",
        config: {
            suggestFields: [
                    name: 'PubStatus', 
                    order: 10
                    name: 'Tags', 
                    order: 15 
                    name: 'Authors',
                    order: 20
            suggestLabels: {'PubStatus': 'Status', 'Tags': 'Tagg', 'Authors': 'FΓΆrfattare'},
            searchOptions: {
                start: 0,
                limit: 10,
                property: ['uuid', 'PubStatus', 'Tag', 'Authors'],
                defaultQuery: '*:* NOT PubStatus:draft',
                filterQuery: 'contenttype:Article',
                sortField: 'updated',
                sortAscending: false
            initialSearch: [
                    "value": "Dans",
                    "field": "Tags",
                }, {
                    "value": "Mat och dryck",
                    "field": "Tags",
                }, {
                    "value": "John Doe",
                    "field": "Authors",
                    "operator": "AND"

const LCC_BUNDLE = 'io.infomaker.lcc'
const LCC_GET_LIB = `${LCC_BUNDLE}:getLCCLib`
const LCC_LIB = `${LCC_BUNDLE}:LCCLib`

componentDidMount() {
    try {
        this.ready(LCC_BUNDLE, () => {
            this.on(LCC_LIB, userData => {
                let LCC = userData.LCC

                this.lcc = new LCC({
                    plugin: this,
                    onLccReadyStateChange: this.onLccReadyStateChange.bind(this)


            this.send(LCC_GET_LIB, {v:1})
    } catch(err) {

onLccReadyStateChange(lccReady) {
    this.ocInstance = this.lcc.opencontent("my-opencontent-provider")

onSearch(result) {
        result === {
            items: [...],
            search: {
               start: 0,
               limit: 10,
               property: [...list of properties to fetch],
               q: '(Tags: "Dans" OR Tags: "Mat och dryck") AND Authors: "John Doe" AND contenttype:Article',
               sort.indexfield: "updated",
               sort.updated.ascending: false
            suggestionSeach: [{value:"Dans", field:"Tags", operator:null}, {value:"Mat och dryck", field:"Tags", operator:null}, {value:"John Doe", field:"Authors", operator:"AND"}],
            totalHits: 0

render() {
    return (
        <GUI.SuggestSearch title={this.state.title} ocInstance={this.ocInstance} config={this.state.config} onSearch={this.onSearch} cacheKey={"my-cache-key"} />


SwitchButton (wrapped)

<GUI.SwitchButton onChange={checked => {}} />
Attr Type Default Description
onChange function null On change callback function
label string or object null SwitchButton title
className string null Custom class
checked boolean false Default value

Full SwitchButton example

const myLabel = {
    left: 'Disable',
    right: 'Enable'

<GUI.SwitchButton label={myLabel} />



<GUI.Tabs tabs={myTabs} />
Attr Type Default Description
className string null Custom class.
style object null Inline style for Tabs component.
border boolean false Render a custom border style around Tabs component.
onSelect function null OnSelect tab callback function, return: selectedTab, clickEvent.
forceRender boolean false By set it to true all tabs contents will be rendered in the DOM even the not active tabs.

Tab item structure

    id: "2b42d026-e5cb-4731-8fc0-2f87fde06b38",
    title: "My tab title",
    content: 'My tab content'
Prop Type Default Description
id string or integer null Id for tab item. A tab without an id will not be rendered. If your objects don't have an id just call Dashboard.createUUID() id: Dashboard.createUUID()
title string or element null Can be a string or a element. Pass an element to override the default class.
content string or element or component null Can be a string or an element or a component.
style object null Inline style for the tab.
disabled boolean false If it passed true the tab will be rendered in the header but it won't be active and won't be clickable.

you can pass any other custom property with the tab object and it will be passed with onSelect tab callback example: const tabs = [ { id: 'my-tab-id', title: 'Tab1', content: myTab1Content, myCustomProperty: myCustomProperty } ]

Tabs example

Normal tabs:

tabs: [
		id: 'my-tsab-1-id',
		title: 'Tab 1',
		content: <Tab1 myTitle={'i am a custom component inside Tab 1'}/>
		id: 'my-tsab-2-id',
		title: 'Tab 2',
		content: 'I am just a string πŸ™ƒ'
		id: 'my-tsab-3-id',
		title: 'Tab 3',
		content: 'tab 3 content'
<GUI.Tabs tabs={myTabs} />

Advanced tabs:

class Tab1 extends React.Component {
	constructor(props) {

	render() {
		return <GUI.Wrapper>
			<GUI.Header text={this.props.myTitle} />
class Application extends Dashboard.Application {
    constructor(props) {
    	this.state = {
    		tabs: [
    				id: 'my-tsab-1-id',
    				title: 'Tab 1',
    				content: <Tab1 myTitle={'i am a custom component inside Tab 1'}/>
    				id: 'my-tsab-2-id',
    				title: 'Tab 2',
    				content: 'I am just a string πŸ™ƒ'
    				id: 'my-tsab-3-id',
    				title: 'you can close me >>>>>>>>>>',
    				content: 'I am a closeable tab 😎',
    				onClose: newTabs => {
    					console.log(newTabs) //return an Array with the new tabs without the closed one, here you should update you state with the new tabs 😊
    <GUI.Tabs tabs={this.state.tabs} onSelect={(index, event) => console.log(index, event)} onAdd={() => this.setState({
    	tabs: [
    			id: 'my-tab-4-id',
    			title: 'New tab',
    			content: 'NEW TAB πŸŽ‰'



<GUI.Textarea onChange={() => myFunction()} />
Attr Type Default Description
primary boolean false Use Dashboard primary style
placeholder string null Textarea placeholder text
autosize boolean false Auto size textarea element
className string null Custom class
onChange function null OnChange callback function
textMode boolean false Render Textarea with the same style and with uneditable mood

Textarea example



<GUI.TextButton text={'Text Button Only'} onClick={() => {/* Do something... */} />

TextButton example



<GUI.Title text="My h1 title" />
Attr Type Default Description
text string null Title text
className string null Custom class
direction string "ltr" Text direction, can be "ltr", "rtl"

Title example


UploadButton (wrapped)

<GUI.UploadButton text='Upload file' size='large' onSuccess={file => /* Do something with the file */} onError={err => console.log(err)}/>
Attr Type Default Description
onSuccess function null On file uploaded success callback, return uploaded file
onError function null On error file uploaded event callback, return the error
parseJson boolean false If the file has a json format
text string null UploadButton text to display
size string normal Upload Button size
className string null Custom class
disabled boolean false If button should be disabled

UploadButton example

    <GUI.UploadButton text='Upload file' size='large' onSuccess={file => this.setState({imgSrc: file})}/>
    <GUI.Img src={this.state.imgSrc} width='300px' height='300px'/>


WidgetButton (wrapped)

<GUI.WidgetButton text="My button" />
Attr Type Default Description
onClick function null On click callback function
text string null Icon text, will render a span text for the icon if declared
className string null Custom class
disabled boolean false If button should be disabled

WidgetButton example


WidgetIcon (wrapped)

<GUI.WidgetIcon iconClass={'my-icon-class'}/>
Attr Type Default Description
iconClass string normal Name of icon. Dashboard leverage the awesome font set Dripicons by Amit Jakhu. View all available icons here.
onClick function null On click callback function
style object null Style that will be applied to the button

WidgetIcon example

    <GUI.WidgetIcon iconClass={'store'} iconColor={'red'} />
	<GUI.WidgetIcon iconClass={'web'} iconColor={'black'} />
	<GUI.WidgetIcon iconClass={'shopping-bag'} iconColor={'gray'} />



This GUI simulate Writer publish flow menu


    onFlowClicked={actions => console.log(actions)}
    onPubStopChange={date => console.log(date)}
    onPubStartChange={date => console.log(date)}
    onClose={() => {}}
Attr Type Default Description
className string null Custom class
article object null Article object structure.
writerPublishFlow object null Writer workflow config, can be found: https://WRITER_ENDPOINT/api/config > plugins[id: se.infomaker.publishflow].data.workflow
onClose function null On close callback function will be called when GUI.WriterPublishFlow will un mount
onPubStartChange function null On pubStart date/time value changed
onPubStopChange function null On pubStop date/time value changed
onFlowClicked function null On any flow actions clicked, will pass actions object

"se.infomaker.publishflow" is the only plugin supported, please be sure that you have this version in your Writer config or contact the support team

Article item structure:

--- All of article item properties are required ---

    uuid: 'ARTICLE_UUID',
    status: 'DEFAULT_WRITER_STATUS', // draft, done, approved, withheld, usable, canceled
    hasPublishedVersion: 'WRITER_HAS_PUBLISH_VERSION_VALUE', // true or false
    published: 'ARTICLE_PUBDATE_VALUE',

WriterPublishFlow example

GUI.WriterPublishFlow1 GUI.WriterPublishFlow2


    // content
Attr Type Default Description
className string null Custom class
style object null Style that will be applied to the wrapper.
onClick function null On click callback function
draggable boolean false Set to true to be able to drag
onDragStart function null On drag start callback function return null
onDragEnd function null On drag end callback function return null
onDragOver function null On drag over callback function return null
onDragLeave function null On drag leave callback function return null
onDrag function null On dragging callback function firring while wrapper is dragging
dragData object null Object include custom data, will be droped on drop wrapper
onDrop function null On drop callback function return dragData object from draged wrapper
infoZone boolean false Custom blue area style
dangerZone boolean false Custom red area style
dropZone boolean false Custom drop area style when an item be dropped in

πŸ’πŸ» Use Wrapper to wrap your content when your return multiple children in a render return statement. It is also possible to pass a style object to style the wrapper with, and by this way affect the children.

Wrapper example


GUI Events


Each GUI component should have an eventId prop to pass it to GUI-Listener to listen for that GUI component

GUI Components Events name Description
Popover open, close Open: to open Popover by dispatching an event with eventName: 'open', Close: to close Popover by dispatching an event with eventName: 'close'
DropMenu close Close: to close DropMenu by dispatching an event with eventName: 'close'
DropDown open, close Open: to open DropDown by dispatching an event with eventName: 'open', Close: to close DropDown by dispatching an event with eventName: 'close'

Event example

    name: 'GUI:Popover',
    userData: {
        eventName: 'close',
        eventId: 'my-popover-eventId'

<GUI.Popover eventId={'my-popover-eventId'} />
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️