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Using LCC Agent

Getting started

The first thing you need to do is to request a helper LCC class to aid you when performing Open Content queries or streaming QueryStreamer events.

Wait for the LCC plugin to be ready and then send the event io.infomaker.lcc:getLCCLib. You'll get an io.infomaker.lcc:LCCLib event containing the LCC class in reply. Instantiate the new LCC and hit start().

this.ready('io.infomaker.lcc', () => {
    this.on('io.infomaker.lcc:LCCLib', userData => {
       let LCC = userData.LCC

       this.lcc = new LCC({
           plugin : this,
           onLccReadyStateChange : this.onLccReadyStateChange.bind(this)


    this.send('io.infomaker.lcc:getLCCLib', {v:1})

When the state of LCC change the onLccReadyStateChange() callback will be called with true or false as a single argument.

        // Here you can restore saved queries etc..

Open Content

To access Open Content you call lcc.opencontent() with the name of content provider you want to use (from config). Access to search and suggest is simplified by two helper functions, but any OC REST API endpoint can be reached using the request function. The functions returns promises.

Open Content API Documentation


let searchQuery = {
    q: "*:*"

this.lcc.opencontent('im-demo').search(searchQuery).then(searchResult => {


let suggestQuery = {
    'field': ['Authors'],
    'incompleteWord': ['P'],
    'type': 'ngram'

this.lcc.opencontent('im-demo').suggest(suggestQuery).then(suggestResult => {

Generic OC API request

let params = {
    'endpoint': 'eventlog',
    'method': 'GET',
    'qs': {
      'event' : -1

this.lcc.opencontent('im-demo').request(params).then(eventlogRes => {


To handle streams in QueryStreamer you call lcc.querystreamer() with the name of content provider you want to use (from config), createStream and deleteStream is enabled on this instance.

QueryStreamer API Documentation

ElasticSearch Query Format Documentation


When a stream is no longer needed, delete it. Please don't forget call deleteStream(streamId) in your componentWillUnmount.

Create stream

When calling create stream, pass a request object and a callback function as parameters. This will return a promise that resolves with a stream ID. New events will land in the callback function you provided.

const BUNDLE = "@plugin_bundle";
const VERSION = "@plugin_version";

const onStreamEvent = (event) => {
    const ocEvent =
    const noLongerMatching =

const req = {
    query : {
        query_string: {
            query : '*:*'
    config : {
        'notifyOnNoLongerMatchingQuery' : true
    meta : {
        origin : {  // Add bundle and version to meta.origin. This helps when troubleshooting.
            bundle : BUNDLE,
            version : VERSION

const querystreamer = this.lcc.querystreamer('im-demo')

return querystreamer.createStream(req, onStreamEvent).then(res => {
    this.streamId = res.streamId

Delete stream
