Dashboard Release Notes - Infomaker/Dashboard-Plugin GitHub Wiki


  • Fixed missing validation for FetchPlugin


  • Fixed url validations with regex in order to install/update plugins and import workspaces.


  • Supports config versions for plugins and the ability to roll back versions.
  • Supports Norwegian language in Dashboard.
  • Wrap Modals with errors boundary, to avoid crashing the whole Dashboard if any errors thrown by Modal.
  • Fixed profiles don't linebreak when there is alot of 'em in create new workspace.
  • Integrate LCC-Infocaster with Dashboard.
  • Replace UpdateChecker functionality with LCC-Infocaster.
  • Build a notification system to display custom messages using LCC-Infocaster.
  • New UI for create new profile in Profiles page.
  • Dev-Change log:
    • Upgrade to react 16.8.3.


  • Bug fixes.
  • GUI improvements.
  • Improved UI in plugins store.
  • Improvement in create workspace view allows enter keypress to create workspace.
  • Dev-Change log:
    • Upgrade webpack to ^4.22.
    • Bumped proxy-request payload limit.
    • Configurable buttons for MultiSelectList.
    • Fixed issue in Popover using relative position.
    • Fixed SuggestSearch issue causing it to be positioned outside the workspace.
    • Add possibility to validate plugin config against a JSON schema with ConfigEditor.
    • Added ability to configure texts for SuggestSearch (placeholder and menu options).


  • Bug fixes.
  • GUI improvements.
  • Added Danish language support.
  • Added functionality to hide store notifications icon.
  • Run a stable version of Update-Checker Plugins auto check for updates.
  • Dev-Change log:
    • Upgraded to react 16.5.2.
    • Updated all components lifecycle functions.
    • Updated all components to use callback refs.
    • Supported passing middlewares with reducers from plugin.


  • GUI components fixes.
  • Even more awesome GUI components 😎.
  • Activate Update-Checker with more improvements.
  • Dev changes:
    • Remove deprecated Iframe component from GUI-Library.
    • Remove deprecated TimePicker component from GUI-Library.
    • Remove deprecated ConfigTextarea component from GUI-Library.
    • Deprecate: ref={'STRING'} for GUI-Config components use "callback refs" instead see: https://github.com/Infomaker/Dashboard-Plugin/wiki/Settings for more info!
    • Added ability to create Redux-Stores with Dashboard by registering plugin reducers with Dashboard.register() to keep your plugin state after the plugin has been un mounted.
    • Added functionality to hide Modal header-bar with: props.modalHeader(false) for plugins.
    • Added functionality to close modal on click out side.
    • Added new methods for GUI components: Popover, DropDown and DropMenu => isOpen().
    • Export copy component with Dashboard-Object for plugins.


  • Dashboard GUI fixes
  • New UX for create a new workspace.
  • Added a possibility to upload a custom icons for workspaces.
  • New Update-Checker for auto check for plugins update.
  • New smart plugin component, Health for tracking plugin background traffic.
  • Dev changes:
    • Removed deprecated dependency of lodash from Dashboard-Object, use your own dependency instead.
    • Removed React.PropTypes after it has been moved into a different package since React v15.5, use your own dependency instead.
    • Deprecate setTitle and addPageClass for modals. Use setModalTitle & setModalClass instead.
  • Upcoming changes:
    • GUI components fixes.
    • More awesome GUI components.
    • Remove deprecated Iframe component from GUI-Library.
    • Remove deprecated TimePicker component from GUI-Library.
    • Remove deprecated ConfigTextarea component from GUI-Library.
    • Added functionality to hide Modal header-bar with: props.modalHeader(false).
    • Deprecate: ref={'STRING'} for GUI-Config components use "callback refs" instead see: https://github.com/Infomaker/Dashboard-Plugin/wiki/Settings for more info!
    • Added ability to create Redux-Stores with Dashboard by registering plugin reducers with Dashboard.register() to keep your plugin state after the plugin has been un mounted.


  • Improved logging
  • Minor improvements


  • New improved widget handling in the Dashboard toolbar, enables more powerful widgets
  • Guided tour for new features
  • Major optimisations improvements
  • Improved Dashboard loading time ⚡️
  • GUI components fixes
  • Dashboard GUI fixes
  • Found and removed some pesky bugs 🐛


  • GUI components fixes
  • Performance improvements 💪


  • Enriched plugin descriptions. Manifest supports markdown_url, enables markdown in plugin view.
  • New GUI component Card
  • New GUI component WriterPublishFlow
  • Added logout in top right menu (only supported in Chrome)
  • Implemented BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) for GUI Components
  • Plugin config is stored encrypted in S3
  • Bug fixes 🐛


  • Plugin that throw errors will not affect other plugins. Improved plugin error handling and stack trace for plugin developers
  • New GUI component SuggestSearch
  • Nice new style for workspace settings and other views
  • Updated React to version 16 release notes
  • Fix for offline mode so that it does not disable any workspaces. It is therefore possible to develop a plugin that works offline.
  • Bug fixes 🐛


  • Fix for issue that not all plugins were loaded at start 🎉
  • Fix for resize bugs of store and plugin view
  • First implementation of GUI events
  • Popover now uses click as default trigger action
  • Possible to click and hold on add workspace icon to import workspaces
  • Config editor optimizations
  • Added confirm prompt for exiting of plugin config editor