Dashboard Popout Workspaces Widget (DPW) - Infomaker/Dashboard-Plugin GitHub Wiki

Dashboard-Popout-Workspaces DPW (Widget)

Version: 1.2.0

With Dashboard Popout Workspaces you can work on multiple workspaces in the same time, you can popout any workspace you want in a new window or you can even Mirror the Dashboard Workspaces in a new window so you can display it in another monitor or cast it by Chromecast.

in your dashboard go to > plugins > install plugin >

  • Stage: https://plugins-stage.s3.amazonaws.com/se-infomaker-dpw-widget/1-1-0
  • Prod: https://plugins-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/se-infomaker-dpw-widget/1-1-0

Dashboard Popout Workspaces Release Notes.

Configure with presentation interval

  • go to Plugins > DPW plugin > settings
  • set your interval time to switch to next Workspace

Getting started


Extend your workspaces

Popout current workspace

current Popout current workspace give you the ability to extend the current workspace in a new window to work on it while you can keep working in another different workspace in the same time.

Popout Workspaces Presentation

presentation Popout workspace presentation give you the ability to present all your worksapces in a new window and switching between them with a custom time.

Mirror Dashboar Workspaces

mirror Mirror Dashboard Workspaces is casting Dashboard workspaces in a new window (the active Workspace), any workspace you work on it in Dashboard will be the same in the mirror window