Dashboard Notifications Agent (DNA) - Infomaker/Dashboard-Plugin GitHub Wiki

Dashboard Notifications Agent (DNA)

Version: 1.3.0

The DNA Plugin is an Agent to deliver all the Notifications from the Plugins to Dashboard. You communicate with the plugin using events on the namespace Dashboard:. There is prebuilt events to addNotification and removeNotification.

Getting started


Install Path:

  • Stage: https://plugins-stage.s3.amazonaws.com/se-infomaker-dna-agent/1-2-0
  • Prod: https://plugins-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/se-infomaker-dna-agent/1-2-0


Waiting for the DNA Agent

The plugins load in different order so if you want to start talking to DNA directly the best practice is to use the readymethod on the dispatcher.

this.ready("se.infomaker.DNA-Agent", () => {		
    // Now the DNA Agent is loaded and ready		

Develop with DNA

Use DNA Agent with your Plugin